# MultiMiner, Austria -- Geological Mapping Overview This is the git repository for the [MultiMiner](https://www.multiminer.eu/) field guide for the geological mapping in Hochfilzen, Austria.\ The guide is available in [English](https://gitea.geologie.ac.at/schger/MultiMiner-Austria__Geological_Mapping_Overview/src/branch/master/MuMi_AT__MappingGuide__EN.pdf) and [German](https://gitea.geologie.ac.at/schger/MultiMiner-Austria__Geological_Mapping_Overview/src/branch/master/MuMi_AT__MappingGuide__DE.pdf). ## Getting the source You can clone this repository using: ```bash git clone https://gitea.geologie.ac.at/schger/MultiMiner-Austria__Geological_Mapping_Overview.git ``` Alternatively you can [download](https://gitea.geologie.ac.at/schger/MultiMiner-Austria__Geological_Mapping_Overview/archive/master.zip) it if you don't use git. ## Building the documents The two versions of this field guide are stored in two files: 1. English: `MuMi_AT__MappingGuide__EN.qmd` 2. German: `MuMi_AT__MappingGuide__DE.qmd` The documents are rendered using _quarto_: ```bash quarto render MuMi_AT__MappingGuide__EN.qmd ``` or ```bash quarto preview MuMi_AT__MappingGuide__EN.qmd ``` The first command only renders the document to a PDF file and the latter command renders the document and opens up a browser windows and shows the built PDF. Alternatively -- and more comfortably -- _quarto_ can be used with diverses editors resp. IDEs like _VS Code_, _RStudio, _ Jupyter Lab_, ... ### Prerequisites You will need to install the following things before you can build the documents: * A [LaTeX](https://www.latex-project.org/) distribution This depends on the system you are using: * Linux and similar systems: Check your distribution's repository, usually a [TeX Live](https://www.tug.org/texlive/) distribution can be installed directly. * Windows: [MiKTeX](https://miktex.org/) can be recommended or use [TeX Live](https://www.tug.org/texlive/). * Mac OS: [MacTeX](https://www.tug.org/mactex/) will meet all your needs. * [quarto](https://quarto.org/) -- see the _Get Started_ guide there * The [quarto_titlepages extension](https://github.com/nmfs-opensci/quarto_titlepages)