- admin kann alles user editieren
102 lines
4.5 KiB
102 lines
4.5 KiB
<div class="header">
<h3 class="header-title">
<span>Edit {{ $user->login }}</span>
<div class="pure-g box-content">
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-2-3">
{{-- <div>
<a href="{{ route('access.user.index') }}" class="pure-button button-small">
<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>
</div> --}}
@if (count($errors) > 0)
<div class="alert alert-danger">
<strong>Whoops!</strong> There were some problems with your input.<br><br>
@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<li>{{ $error }}</li>
{!! Form::model($user, ['method' => 'PATCH','route' => ['access.user.update', $user->id], 'class' => 'pure-form pure-form-aligned']) !!}
<div class="pure-control-group @if ($errors->has('login')) field-validation-error @endif">
{!! Form::text('login', null, array('placeholder' => 'Name','class' => 'form-control')) !!}
<div class="pure-control-group @if ($errors->has('email')) field-validation-error @endif">
{!! Form::text('email', null, array('readonly', 'placeholder' => 'Email','class' => 'form-control')) !!}
@if (!Auth::user()->hasRole("administrator"))
<div class="pure-control-group">
{!! Form::label('current_password', 'Current Password:') !!}
{!! Form::password ('current_password', null, array('placeholder' => 'current password', 'id' => 'old_password', 'class' => 'form-control')) !!}
{{-- <em>*</em> --}}
<div class="pure-control-group @if ($errors->has('password')) field-validation-error @endif">
<label>New Password:</label>
{!! Form::password('password', array('placeholder' => 'new password','class' => 'form-control')) !!}
<div class="pure-control-group @if ($errors->has('password')) field-validation-error @endif">
<label>Confirm Password:</label>
{!! Form::password('password_confirmation', array('placeholder' => 'confirm password','class' => 'form-control')) !!}
@if (Auth::user()->hasRole("administrator"))
<h5><b>Assign Roles</b></h5>
<div class="pure-control-group checkboxlist @if ($errors->has('roles')) field-validation-error @endif">
<!-- <label for="Roles">Assign Roles</label>-->
@foreach ($roles as $role)
<label for={{"role". $role->id }} class="pure-checkbox">
<input name="roles[]" value={{ $role->id }} {{ (in_array($role->id, $checkeds)) ? 'checked=checked' : '' }} type="checkbox" class="form-check-input">
{{ $role->name }}
<i class="fa fa-info-circle" title="Administrators have access to all datasets and are allowed to do all operations with datasets and users."></i>
<button type="submit" class="pure-button button-small">Save</button>
{!! Form::close() !!}
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-3">
<div class="sidebar">
@foreach ($user->roles as $role)
<p>role: {{ $role->name }}</p>
@endsection |