<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Publish; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Interfaces\DoiInterface; use App\Models\Dataset; use App\Models\DatasetIdentifier; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Models\Oai\OaiModelError; use App\Exceptions\OaiModelException; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View; use App\Exceptions\GeneralException; use App\Library\Search\SolariumAdapter; use \Exception; class DoiController extends Controller { protected $doiService; protected $LaudatioUtils; /** * Holds xml representation of document information to be processed. * * @var \DomDocument Defaults to null. */ protected $xml = null; /** * Holds the stylesheet for the transformation. * * @var \DomDocument Defaults to null. */ protected $xslt = null; /** * Holds the xslt processor. * * @var \XSLTProcessor Defaults to null. */ protected $proc = null; /** * DOIController constructor. * @param DoiInterface $DOIService */ public function __construct(DoiInterface $DoiClient) { $this->doiClient = $DoiClient; $this->xml = new \DomDocument(); $this->proc = new \XSLTProcessor(); } /** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ // public function index() // { // // // } public function index(): \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View { $datasets = Dataset::query() ->has('identifier') ->orderBy('server_date_modified', 'desc') ->get(); return View::make('workflow.doi.index', [ 'datasets' => $datasets, ]); } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function create(Request $request) { // } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $dataId = $request->input('publish_id'); // Setup stylesheet $this->loadStyleSheet(public_path() . '/prefixes/doi_datacite.xslt'); // set timestamp $date = new \DateTime(); $unixTimestamp = $date->getTimestamp(); $this->proc->setParameter('', 'unixTimestamp', $unixTimestamp); $prefix = config('tethys.datacite_prefix'); $this->proc->setParameter('', 'prefix', $prefix); $repIdentifier = "tethys"; $this->proc->setParameter('', 'repIdentifier', $repIdentifier); $this->xml->appendChild($this->xml->createElement('Datasets')); $dataset = Dataset::where('publish_id', '=', $dataId)->firstOrFail(); if (is_null($dataset)) { throw new OaiModelException('Dataset is not available for registering DOI!', OaiModelError::NORECORDSMATCH); } $dataset->fetchValues(); $xmlModel = new \App\Library\Xml\XmlModel(); $xmlModel->setModel($dataset); $xmlModel->excludeEmptyFields(); $cache = ($dataset->xmlCache) ? $dataset->xmlCache : new \App\Models\XmlCache(); $xmlModel->setXmlCache($cache); $domNode = $xmlModel->getDomDocument()->getElementsByTagName('Rdr_Dataset')->item(0); $node = $this->xml->importNode($domNode, true); $this->addSpecInformation($node, 'data-type:' . $dataset->type); $this->xml->documentElement->appendChild($node); $xmlMeta = $this->proc->transformToXML($this->xml); // Log::alert($xmlMeta); //create doiValue and correspunfing landingpage of tehtys $doiValue = $prefix . '/tethys.' . $dataset->publish_id; $appUrl = config('app.url'); $landingPageUrl = $appUrl . "/dataset/" . $dataset->publish_id; $response = $this->doiClient->registerDoi($doiValue, $xmlMeta, $landingPageUrl); // if operation successful, store dataste identifier if ($response->getStatusCode() == 201) { $doi = new DatasetIdentifier(); $doi['value'] = $doiValue; $doi['dataset_id'] = $dataset->id; $doi['type'] = "doi"; $doi['status'] = "registered"; $doi->save(); } } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @param \App\Models\DatasetIdentifier $doi * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show(DatasetIdentifier $doi) { // } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param \App\Models\DatasetIdentifier $doi * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { $dataset = Dataset::query() ->with([ 'titles', 'persons' => function ($query) { $query->wherePivot('role', 'author'); }, ])->findOrFail($id); return View::make('workflow.doi.edit', [ 'dataset' => $dataset, ]); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \App\Models\DatasetIdentifier $doi * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $publish_id) { $dataId = $publish_id; //$request->input('publish_id'); // Setup stylesheet $this->loadStyleSheet(public_path() . '/prefixes/doi_datacite.xslt'); // set timestamp $date = new \DateTime(); $unixTimestamp = $date->getTimestamp(); $this->proc->setParameter('', 'unixTimestamp', $unixTimestamp); $prefix = ""; $base_domain = ""; $datacite_environment = config('tethys.datacite_environment'); if ($datacite_environment == "debug") { $prefix = config('tethys.datacite_test_prefix'); $base_domain = config('tethys.test_base_domain'); } elseif ($datacite_environment == "production") { $prefix = config('tethys.datacite_prefix'); $base_domain = config('tethys.base_domain'); } // $prefix = config('tethys.datacite_prefix'); $this->proc->setParameter('', 'prefix', $prefix); $repIdentifier = "tethys"; $this->proc->setParameter('', 'repIdentifier', $repIdentifier); $this->xml->appendChild($this->xml->createElement('Datasets')); $dataset = Dataset::where('publish_id', '=', $dataId)->firstOrFail(); if (is_null($dataset)) { throw new OaiModelException('Dataset is not available for registering DOI!', OaiModelError::NORECORDSMATCH); } $dataset->fetchValues(); $xmlModel = new \App\Library\Xml\XmlModel(); $xmlModel->setModel($dataset); $xmlModel->excludeEmptyFields(); $cache = ($dataset->xmlCache) ? $dataset->xmlCache : new \App\Models\XmlCache(); $xmlModel->setXmlCache($cache); $domNode = $xmlModel->getDomDocument()->getElementsByTagName('Rdr_Dataset')->item(0); $this->addAlternateLandingPageAttribute($domNode, $dataset->publish_id); $node = $this->xml->importNode($domNode, true); $this->addSpecInformation($node, 'data-type:' . $dataset->type); $this->xml->documentElement->appendChild($node); $newXmlMeta = $this->proc->transformToXML($this->xml); // Log::alert($xmlMeta); //create doiValue and correspunfing landingpage of tehtys $doiValue = $prefix . '/tethys.' . $dataset->publish_id; $response = $this->doiClient->updateMetadataForDoi($doiValue, $newXmlMeta); // if operation successful, store dataste identifier if ($response->getStatusCode() == 201) { $doi = $dataset->identifier; // $doi['value'] = $doiValue; // $doi['type'] = "doi"; // $doi['status'] = "findable"; // $doi->save(); $doi->touch(); try { $service = new SolariumAdapter("solr", config('solarium')); $service->addDatasetsToIndex($dataset); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error(__METHOD__ . ': ' . 'Indexing document ' . $dataset->id . ' failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return redirect() ->route('publish.workflow.doi.index') ->with('flash_message', 'You have successfully updated a DOI for the dataset!'); // if ($doi->save()) { // // update server_date_modified for triggering nex xml cache (doi interface) // $time = new \Illuminate\Support\Carbon(); // $dataset->server_date_modified = $time; // $dataset->save(); // return redirect() // ->route('publish.workflow.editor.index') // ->with('flash_message', 'You have successfully created a DOI for the dataset!'); // } } else { $message = 'unexpected DataCite MDS response code ' . $response->getStatusCode(); // $this->log($message, 'err'); throw new GeneralException($message); } } /** * Add the landingpage attribute to Rdr_Dataset XML output. * * @param \DOMNode $document Rdr_Dataset XML serialisation * @param string $docid Id of the dataset * @return void */ private function addAlternateLandingPageAttribute(\DOMNode $document, $dataid) { $base_domain = config('tethys.base_domain'); $url ='https://' . get_domain($base_domain) . "/dataset/" . $dataid; $owner = $document->ownerDocument; $attr = $owner->createAttribute('landingpage'); $attr->appendChild($owner->createTextNode($url)); $document->appendChild($attr); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param \App\Models\DatasetIdentifier $doi * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy(DatasetIdentifier $doi) { // } /** * Load an xslt stylesheet. * * @return void */ private function loadStyleSheet($stylesheet) { $this->xslt = new \DomDocument; $this->xslt->load($stylesheet); $this->proc->importStyleSheet($this->xslt); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $this->proc->setParameter('', 'host', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } //$this->proc->setParameter('', 'server', $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl()); } private function addSpecInformation(\DOMNode $document, $information) { $setSpecAttribute = $this->xml->createAttribute('Value'); $setSpecAttributeValue = $this->xml->createTextNode($information); $setSpecAttribute->appendChild($setSpecAttributeValue); $setSpecElement = $this->xml->createElement('SetSpec'); //$setSpecElement =new \DOMElement("SetSpec"); $setSpecElement->appendChild($setSpecAttribute); $document->appendChild($setSpecElement); } }