<?php namespace App\Library\Xml; use App\Models\Dataset; use DOMDocument; /** * Strategy short summary. * * Strategy description. * * @version 1.0 * @author kaiarn */ class Strategy { /** * Holds current configuration. * * @var Conf */ private $_config; /** * Holds current representation version. * * @var double */ protected $_version = null; /** * Initiate class with a valid config object. */ public function __construct() { $this->_version = 1.0; $this->_config = new Conf(); } /** * (non-PHPdoc) * see library/Opus/Model/Xml/Opus_Model_Xml_Strategy#setDomDocument() */ public function setup(Conf $conf) { $this->_config = $conf; } /** * If a model has been set this method generates and returnes * DOM representation of it. * * @throws \Exception Thrown if no Model is given. * @return \DOMDocument DOM representation of the current Model. */ public function getDomDocument() { if (null === $this->_config->model) { throw new \Exception('No Model given for serialization.'); } $this->_config->dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $root = $this->_config->dom->createElement('Opus'); $root->setAttribute('version', $this->getVersion()); $this->_config->dom->appendChild($root); $root->setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'); $this->_mapModel($this->_config->model, $this->_config->dom, $root); return $this->_config->dom; } public function getModelFieldValues(Dataset $model) { $fields = $model->describe(); $excludeFields = $this->getConfig()->excludeFields; if (count($excludeFields) > 0) { $fieldsDiff = array_diff($fields, $excludeFields); } else { $fieldsDiff = $fields; } foreach ($fieldsDiff as $fieldname) { $field = $model->getField($fieldname); $fieldValue = $this->getFieldValue($field); } } protected function getFieldValue(Field $field): string { $modelClass = $field->getValueModelClass(); $fieldValues = $field->getValue(); if (null === $modelClass) { $fieldName = $field->getName(); $fieldValues = $this->getFieldValues($field); // Replace invalid XML-1.0-Characters by UTF-8 replacement character. $fieldValues = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]/', "\xEF\xBF\xBD ", $fieldValues); } return fieldValues; } protected function _mapModel(Dataset $model, \DOMDocument $dom, \DOMNode $rootNode) { $fields = $model->describe(); $excludeFields = $this->getConfig()->excludeFields; if (count($excludeFields) > 0) { $fieldsDiff = array_diff($fields, $excludeFields); } else { $fieldsDiff = $fields; } $childNode = $this->createModelNode($dom, $model); $rootNode->appendChild($childNode); foreach ($fieldsDiff as $fieldname) { $field = $model->getField($fieldname); $this->_mapField($field, $dom, $childNode); } } protected function _mapField(Field $field, DOMDocument $dom, \DOMNode $rootNode) { $modelClass = $field->getValueModelClass(); $fieldValues = $field->getValue(); if (true === $this->getConfig()->excludeEmpty) { if (true === is_null($fieldValues) or (is_string($fieldValues) && trim($fieldValues) == '') or (is_array($fieldValues) && empty($fieldValues))) { return; } } if (null === $modelClass) { $this->mapSimpleField($dom, $rootNode, $field); } else { $fieldName = $field->getName(); if (!is_array($fieldValues)) { $fieldValues = array($fieldValues); } foreach ($fieldValues as $value) { $childNode = $this->createFieldElement($dom, $fieldName); //$childNode->setAttribute("Value", $value); $rootNode->appendChild($childNode); // if a field has no value then is nothing more to do // TODO maybe must be there an other solution // FIXME remove code duplication (duplicates Opus_Model_Xml_Version*) if (is_null($value)) { continue; } if ($value instanceof \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model) { $this->_mapModelAttributes($value, $dom, $childNode); } elseif ($value instanceof \Carbon\Carbon) { $this->_mapDateAttributes($value, $dom, $childNode); } elseif (is_array($value)) { $this->_mapArrayAttributes($value, $dom, $childNode); } } } } public function mapSimpleField(DOMDocument $dom, \DOMNode $rootNode, Field $field) { $fieldName = $field->getName(); $fieldValues = $this->getFieldValues($field); // Replace invalid XML-1.0-Characters by UTF-8 replacement character. $fieldValues = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]/', "\xEF\xBF\xBD ", $fieldValues); $rootNode->setAttribute($fieldName, $fieldValues); } protected function createFieldElement(DOMDocument $dom, $fieldName) { return $dom->createElement($fieldName); } protected function _mapDateAttributes(\Carbon\Carbon $model, DOMDocument $dom, \DOMNode $rootNode) { $rootNode->setAttribute("Year", $model->year); $rootNode->setAttribute("Month", $model->month); $rootNode->setAttribute("Day", $model->day); $rootNode->setAttribute("Hour", $model->hour); $rootNode->setAttribute("Minute", $model->minute); $rootNode->setAttribute("Second", $model->second); $rootNode->setAttribute("UnixTimestamp", $model->timestamp); $rootNode->setAttribute("Timezone", $model->tzName); } protected function _mapArrayAttributes(array $attributes, DOMDocument $dom, \DOMNode $rootNode) { //$attributes = array_keys($model->getAttributes()); foreach ($attributes as $property_name => $value) { $fieldName = $property_name; $field = new Field($fieldName); $fieldval = $value; $field->setValue($fieldval); $this->_mapField($field, $dom, $rootNode); } } protected function _mapModelAttributes(\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model, DOMDocument $dom, \DOMNode $rootNode) { $attributes = array_keys($model->getAttributes()); foreach ($attributes as $property_name) { $fieldName = self::convertColumnToFieldname($property_name); $field = new Field($fieldName); $fieldval = $model->{$property_name}; $field->setValue($fieldval); $this->_mapField($field, $dom, $rootNode); } } //snakeToCamel public static function convertColumnToFieldname($columnname) { //return lcfirst(str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $columnname)))); return str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $columnname))); } public function getFieldValues($field) { $fieldValues = $field->getValue(); // workaround for simple fields with multiple values if (true === $field->hasMultipleValues()) { $fieldValues = implode(',', $fieldValues); } //if ($fieldValues instanceOf DateTimeZone) { // $fieldValues = $fieldValues->getName(); //} return trim($fieldValues); } protected function createModelNode(DOMDocument $dom, Dataset $model) { $classname = "Rdr_" . substr(strrchr(get_class($model), '\\'), 1); return $dom->createElement($classname); } /** * Return version value of current xml representation. * * @see library/Opus/Model/Xml/Opus_Model_Xml_Strategy#getVersion() */ public function getVersion() { return floor($this->_version); } public function getConfig() { return $this->_config; } }