
 * This file is part of Entrust,
 * a role & permission management solution for Laravel.
 * @license MIT
 * @package Zizaco\Entrust

return [

    | Entrust Role Model
    | This is the Role model used by Entrust to create correct relations.  Update
    | the role if it is in a different namespace.
    'role' => 'App\Models\Role',

    | Entrust Roles Table
    | This is the roles table used by Entrust to save roles to the database.
    'roles_table' => 'roles', //'roles',

    | Entrust role foreign key
    | This is the role foreign key used by Entrust to make a proper
    | relation between permissions and roles & roles and users
    'role_foreign_key' => 'role_id',

    | Application User Model
    | This is the User model used by Entrust to create correct relations.
    | Update the User if it is in a different namespace.
    'user' => 'App\Models\User',

    | Application Users Table
    | This is the users table used by the application to save users to the
    | database.
    'users_table' => 'accounts', //'users',

    | Entrust role_user Table
    | This is the role_user table used by Entrust to save assigned roles to the
    | database.
    'role_user_table' => 'link_accounts_roles', //'role_user',

    | Entrust user foreign key
    | This is the user foreign key used by Entrust to make a proper
    | relation between roles and users
    'user_foreign_key' => 'account_id', //'user_id',

    | Entrust Permission Model
    | This is the Permission model used by Entrust to create correct relations.
    | Update the permission if it is in a different namespace.
    'permission' => 'App\Models\Permission',

    | Entrust Permissions Table
    | This is the permissions table used by Entrust to save permissions to the
    | database.
    'permissions_table' => 'permissions',

    | Entrust permission_role Table
    | This is the permission_role table used by Entrust to save relationship
    | between permissions and roles to the database.
    'permission_role_table' => 'role_has_permissions', //'permission_role',

    | Entrust permission foreign key
    | This is the permission foreign key used by Entrust to make a proper
    | relation between permissions and roles
    'permission_foreign_key' => 'permission_id',