- Use Laravel Carbon: Laravel provides an Illuminate\Support\Carbon class which wraps the underlying Carbon class. By using this class, you gain access to some additional testing methods and create separation between your code and underlying dependencies.
a. during creating a dataste, also find existing keywords and attach them
b. DatasetExtension.php
c. Subject.php: protected $table = 'dataset_subjects';
d. migration file for crete_dataset_subjects_table
- change api routes for also using url alias if defined
- composer updates: composer.lock
- composer updates
- new artisan command 'update:dataset {dataset : The ID of the dataset}' for updating solr index for specific datasets
- DatasetExtension.php: alaso svae 'sort_order' for authors and contributors
- twice solr.xslt: sort authors also in solr index
- DatasetExtension.php_ erweitert um EmbargoDate- und CreatedAt-Attribute
- dc:type im OAI ist nun nur Dataset
- datacite: Anzeige Erstellungsdatum und EmbargoDatum
- Im Frontend nun: "Datum der Freischaltung"