import { Options, Vue } from "vue-class-component"; import { Watch } from "vue-property-decorator"; // import { RouteLocation } from "vue-router"; import HelloWorld from "./components/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.vue"; import HomeViewComponent from "./views/home-view/home-view-component.vue"; import HelpViewComponent from "./views/map-view/help-view-component.vue"; import SearchViewComponent from "./views/search-view/search-view-component.vue"; import ServiceViewComponent from "./views/services-view/service-view-component.vue"; import OaiViewComponent from "./views/oai-view/oai-view-component.vue"; import ContactViewComponent from "./views/contact-view/contact-view-component.vue"; import SitelinkViewComponent from "./views/sitelink-view/sitelink-view-component.vue"; import ImprintViewComponent from "./views/imprint-view/imprint-view-component.vue"; import TermsViewComponent from "./views/terms-view/terms-view-component"; import { VUE_APP_PORTAL } from "./constants"; // import VsInput from "./components/vs-input/vs-input.vue"; // import VsResult from "./components/vs-result/vs-result.vue"; // import FacetCategory from "./components/face-category/facet-category.vue"; // import ActiveFacetCategory from "./components/active-facet-category/active-facet-category.vue"; // import { SolrSettings } from "@/models/solr"; // import { DatasetService } from "./services/dataset.service"; // import { Suggestion } from "./models/dataset"; // import { SolrResponse, FacetFields, FacetItem, FacetResults, FacetInstance } from "./models/headers"; // import { ActiveFilterCategories } from "@/models/solr"; // @Options({ components: { HelloWorld, HomeViewComponent, // VsInput, // VsResult, // FacetCategory, // ActiveFacetCategory, HelpViewComponent, SearchViewComponent, ServiceViewComponent, OaiViewComponent, ContactViewComponent, SitelinkViewComponent, ImprintViewComponent, TermsViewComponent, }, }) export default class App extends Vue { public active = false; public portal = VUE_APP_PORTAL + "/login"; mounted(): void { // const $navbarBurgers =".navbar-burger"), 0); // // Check if there are any navbar burgers // if ($navbarBurgers.length > 0) { // // Add a click event on each of them // $navbarBurgers.forEach((elNavBurger) => { // elNavBurger.addEventListener("click", () => { // // Get the target from the "data-target" attribute // const targetNavbar =; // const $target = document.getElementById(targetNavbar); // // Toggle the "is-active" class on both the "navbar-burger" and the "navbar-menu" // elNavBurger.classList.toggle("is-active"); // $target?.classList.toggle("is-active"); // }); // }); // } } public showMobilemenu(event: PointerEvent): void { // Don't follow the link event.preventDefault(); = !; } @Watch("$route") protected oRouteChangedChanged(): void { //(to: RouteLocation, from: RouteLocation): void { // console.log("setting " + from.path + " to " + to.path); = false; } }