import { column, SnakeCaseNamingStrategy, manyToMany, belongsTo, hasMany, computed, hasOne } from '@adonisjs/lucid/orm'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import Person from './person.js'; import User from './user.js'; import Title from './title.js'; import Description from './description.js'; import License from './license.js'; import Subject from './subject.js'; import File from './file.js'; import Coverage from './coverage.js'; import DatasetReference from './dataset_reference.js'; import Collection from './collection.js'; import DatasetIdentifier from './dataset_identifier.js'; import Project from './project.js'; import DocumentXmlCache from './DocumentXmlCache.js'; import DatasetExtension from '#models/traits/dataset_extension'; import type { ManyToMany } from "@adonisjs/lucid/types/relations"; import type { BelongsTo } from "@adonisjs/lucid/types/relations"; import type { HasMany } from "@adonisjs/lucid/types/relations"; import type { HasOne } from "@adonisjs/lucid/types/relations"; export default class Dataset extends DatasetExtension { public static namingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy(); public static primaryKey = 'id'; public static table = 'documents'; public static selfAssignPrimaryKey = false; @column({ isPrimary: true }) public id: number; @column({}) public server_state: string; @column({}) public publisher_name: string; @column({ columnName: 'creating_corporation' }) public creating_corporation: string; @column.dateTime({ columnName: 'embargo_date', serialize: (value: Date | null) => { return value ? dayjs(value).format('YYYY-MM-DD') : value; }, }) public embargo_date: DateTime; @column({}) public type: string; @column({}) public language: string; @column({columnName: 'publish_id'}) public publish_id: number | null = null; @column({}) public project_id: number | null = null; @column({}) public account_id: number | null = null; @column({}) public editor_id: number | null = null; @column({}) public reviewer_id: number | null = null; @column({}) public reject_editor_note: string | null; @column({}) public preferred_reviewer: string | null; @column({}) public preferred_reviewer_email: string | null; @column({}) public reject_reviewer_note: string | null; @column.dateTime({ columnName: 'server_date_published' }) public server_date_published: DateTime; // @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, columnName: 'created_at' }) @column.dateTime({ serialize: (value: Date | null) => { return value ? dayjs(value).format('MMMM D YYYY HH:mm a') : value; }, autoCreate: true, columnName: 'created_at', }) public created_at: DateTime; @column.dateTime({ serialize: (value: Date | null) => { return value ? dayjs(value).format('MMMM D YYYY HH:mm a') : value; }, autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true, columnName: 'server_date_modified', }) public server_date_modified: DateTime; @manyToMany(() => Person, { pivotForeignKey: 'document_id', pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'person_id', pivotTable: 'link_documents_persons', pivotColumns: ['role', 'sort_order', 'allow_email_contact'], }) public persons: ManyToMany<typeof Person>; /** * Get the account that the dataset belongs to */ @belongsTo(() => User, { foreignKey: 'account_id', }) public user: BelongsTo<typeof User>; @belongsTo(() => Project, { foreignKey: 'project_id', }) public project: BelongsTo<typeof Project>; @hasMany(() => Title, { foreignKey: 'document_id', }) public titles: HasMany<typeof Title>; @hasMany(() => Description, { foreignKey: 'document_id', }) public descriptions: HasMany<typeof Description>; @manyToMany(() => License, { pivotForeignKey: 'document_id', pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'licence_id', pivotTable: 'link_documents_licences', }) public licenses: ManyToMany<typeof License>; @manyToMany(() => Subject, { pivotForeignKey: 'document_id', pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'subject_id', pivotTable: 'link_dataset_subjects', }) public subjects: ManyToMany<typeof Subject>; @hasMany(() => File, { foreignKey: 'document_id', }) public files: HasMany<typeof File>; @hasOne(() => Coverage, { foreignKey: 'dataset_id', }) public coverage: HasOne<typeof Coverage>; @hasMany(() => DatasetReference, { foreignKey: 'document_id', }) public references: HasMany<typeof DatasetReference>; // Dataset.hasMany(Reference, { // foreignKey: "related_document_id", // as: "referenced_by", // }); @hasMany(() => DatasetReference, { foreignKey: 'related_document_id', }) public referenced_by: HasMany<typeof DatasetReference>; @manyToMany(() => Collection, { pivotForeignKey: 'document_id', pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'collection_id', pivotTable: 'link_documents_collections', }) public collections: ManyToMany<typeof Collection>; @hasOne(() => DatasetIdentifier, { foreignKey: 'dataset_id', }) public identifier: HasOne<typeof DatasetIdentifier>; @computed({ serializeAs: 'main_title', }) public get mainTitle() { // return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`; const mainTitle = this.titles?.find((title) => title.type === 'Main'); return mainTitle ? mainTitle.value : null; } @computed({ serializeAs: 'main_abstract', }) public get mainAbstract() { // return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`; const mainTitle = this.descriptions?.find((desc) => desc.type === 'Abstract'); return mainTitle ? mainTitle.value : null; } @manyToMany(() => Person, { pivotForeignKey: 'document_id', pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'person_id', pivotTable: 'link_documents_persons', pivotColumns: ['role', 'sort_order', 'allow_email_contact'], onQuery(query) { query.wherePivot('role', 'author'); }, }) public authors: ManyToMany<typeof Person>; @manyToMany(() => Person, { pivotForeignKey: 'document_id', pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'person_id', pivotTable: 'link_documents_persons', pivotColumns: ['role', 'sort_order', 'allow_email_contact', 'contributor_type'], onQuery(query) { query.wherePivot('role', 'contributor'); }, }) public contributors: ManyToMany<typeof Person>; @hasOne(() => DocumentXmlCache, { foreignKey: 'document_id', }) public xmlCache: HasOne<typeof DocumentXmlCache>; /** * Get the account that the dataset belongs to */ @belongsTo(() => User, { foreignKey: 'editor_id', }) public editor: BelongsTo<typeof User>; @belongsTo(() => User, { foreignKey: 'reviewer_id', }) public reviewer: BelongsTo<typeof User>; static async earliestPublicationDate(): Promise<Dataset | null> { const serverState = 'published'; const model = await this.query().where('server_state', serverState).orderBy('server_date_published', 'asc').first(); return model || null; } static async getMax (column: string) { let dataset = await this.query().max(column + ' as max_publish_id').firstOrFail(); return dataset.$extras.max_publish_id; } @computed({ serializeAs: 'remaining_time', }) public get remainingTime() { const dateFuture ={ days: 14 }); if (this.server_state === 'approved') { const now =; let duration = dateFuture.diff(now, ['days', 'hours', 'months']).toObject(); return duration.days; } else { return 0; } } }