@layout('layouts/app') @set('title', 'Settings') @section('body')
@if(status) @!component('components/alert', { status }) @endif @if(twoFactorEnabled)

You have enabled two factor authentication.

When two factor authentication is enabled, you will be prompted for a secure, random token during authentication. You may retrieve this token from your phone's Google Authenticator application.


Two factor authentication is now enabled. Scan the following QR code using your phone's authenticator application.

@endif @if(recoveryCodes)

Store these recovery codes in a secure password manager. They can be used to recover access to your account if your two factor authentication device is lost.

@each(code in recoveryCodes)
{{ code }}
You have not enabled two factor authentication.
When two factor authentication is enabled, you will be prompted for a secure, random token during authentication. You may retrieve this token from your phone's Google Authenticator application.