/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application middleware |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This file is used to define middleware for HTTP requests. You can register | middleware as a `closure` or an IoC container binding. The bindings are | preferred, since they keep this file clean. | */ import Server from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Server'; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global middleware |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | An array of global middleware, that will be executed in the order they | are defined for every HTTP requests. | */ Server.middleware.register([ () => import('@ioc:Adonis/Core/BodyParser'), () => import('@ioc:EidelLev/Inertia/Middleware'), // () => import('ioc:EidelLev/Stardust/Middleware'), () => import('@eidellev/adonis-stardust/build/middleware/Stardust'), // () => import('adonis-acl/src/Middlewares/Init'), ]); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Named middleware |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Named middleware are defined as key-value pair. The value is the namespace | or middleware function and key is the alias. Later you can use these | alias on individual routes. For example: | | { auth: () => import('App/Middleware/Auth') } | | and then use it as follows | | Route.get('dashboard', 'UserController.dashboard').middleware('auth') | */ Server.middleware.registerNamed({ auth: 'App/Middleware/Auth', // is: () => import('App/Middleware/Is'), // can: () => import('App/Middleware/Can'), // is: "Adonis/Acl/Is", // can: "Adonis/Acl/Can" is: () => import('App/Middleware/Role'), can: () => import('App/Middleware/Can'), });