import { Component, Vue, Prop, toNative } from 'vue-facing-decorator'; // import AuthLayout from '@/Layouts/Auth.vue'; import LayoutAuthenticated from '@/Layouts/LayoutAuthenticated.vue'; import { useForm, InertiaForm, Head } from '@inertiajs/vue3'; import FormInput from '@/Components/FormInput.vue'; // @/Components/FormInput.vue' import { Dataset, Title, Subject } from '@/Dataset'; import { stardust } from '@eidellev/adonis-stardust/client'; import FormField from '@/Components/FormField.vue'; import FormControl from '@/Components/FormControl.vue'; import SectionMain from '@/Components/SectionMain.vue'; import SectionTitleLineWithButton from '@/Components/SectionTitleLineWithButton.vue'; import FormCheckRadioGroup from '@/Components/FormCheckRadioGroup.vue'; import BaseButton from '@/Components/BaseButton.vue'; import BaseButtons from '@/Components/BaseButtons.vue'; import BaseDivider from '@/Components/BaseDivider.vue'; import CardBox from '@/Components/CardBox.vue'; import MapComponent from '@/Components/Map/map.component.vue'; import SearchAutocomplete from '@/Components/SearchAutocomplete.vue'; import TablePersons from '@/Components/TablePersons.vue'; import TableKeywords from '@/Components/TableKeywords.vue'; import FormValidationErrors from '@/Components/FormValidationErrors.vue'; import FileUploadComponent from '@/Components/FileUpload.vue'; import { MapOptions } from '@/Components/Map/MapOptions'; import { LatLngBoundsExpression } from 'leaflet/src/geo/LatLngBounds'; import { LayerOptions } from '@/Components/Map/LayerOptions'; import { mdiImageText, mdiArrowLeftBoldOutline, mdiPlusCircle, mdiFinance, mdiTrashCan, mdiBookOpenPageVariant, mdiEarthPlus, } from '@mdi/js'; import { notify } from '@/notiwind'; export interface IErrorMessage { [key: string]: Array; } @Component({ name: 'EditComponent', components: { LayoutAuthenticated, FormInput, Head, FormField, FormControl, SectionMain, SectionTitleLineWithButton, FormCheckRadioGroup, BaseButton, BaseButtons, BaseDivider, CardBox, MapComponent, SearchAutocomplete, TablePersons, TableKeywords, FormValidationErrors, FileUploadComponent, }, }) class EditComponent extends Vue { // Component Property @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public errors: IErrorMessage; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public licenses; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public languages; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public doctypes; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public titletypes; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public projects; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public descriptiontypes; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => {} }) public contributorTypes; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public subjectTypes; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public referenceIdentifierTypes; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public relationTypes; @Prop({ type: Object, default: () => ({}) }) public dataset: Dataset; // @Prop({ // type: Object, // default: () => ({}), // }) // public datasetHasLicenses; // Data Property // public form: InertiaForm; // = useForm(this.dataset as Dataset); // public form : InertiaForm= useForm([]); // @Setup(() => useForm(this.dataset as Dataset)) public form: InertiaForm; // @Hook created() { this.form = useForm(this.dataset as Dataset); // this.form.licenses = this.datasetHasLicenses; this.form.uploads = []; } public mapOptions: MapOptions = { center: [48.208174, 16.373819], zoom: 3, zoomControl: false, attributionControl: false, }; public baseMaps: Map = new Map(); public fitBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression = [ [46.4318173285, 9.47996951665], [49.0390742051, 16.9796667823], ]; public mapId = 'test'; mdiImageText = mdiImageText; mdiArrowLeftBoldOutline = mdiArrowLeftBoldOutline; mdiPlusCircle = mdiPlusCircle; mdiFinance = mdiFinance; mdiTrashCan = mdiTrashCan; mdiBookOpenPageVariant = mdiBookOpenPageVariant; mdiEarthPlus = mdiEarthPlus; stardust = stardust; // mounted() { // this.form = useForm(this.dataset as Dataset);// Initialize myData with the value of propValue // } // public results: Array = []; // Component method public async submit(): Promise { let route = this.stardust.route('dataset.update', []); // await'/app/register', this.form); // await'/app/register', this.form); if (this.form.licenses.every((item) => this.hasIdAttribute(item))) { this.form.licenses = =>; } await this.form .transform((data) => ({, licenses: this.form.licenses.every((item) => this.hasIdAttribute(item)) ? => : this.form.licenses, rights: 'true', })) .put(route); } private hasIdAttribute(obj: any): obj is { id: any } { return typeof obj === 'object' && 'id' in obj; } public addTitle(): void { const newTitle: Title = { value: '', language: '', type: '' }; this.form.titles.push(newTitle); } public removeTitle(key: number): void { this.form.titles.splice(key, 1); } public addDescription(): void { const newDescription = { value: '', language: '', type: '' }; this.form.descriptions.push(newDescription); } public removeDescription(key: number): void { this.form.descriptions.splice(key, 1); } public onAddAuthor(person) { if (this.form.authors.filter((e) => === > 0) { notify({ type: 'warning', title: 'Warning', text: 'person is already defined as author' }, 4000); } else if (this.form.contributors.filter((e) => === > 0) { notify({ type: 'warning', title: 'Warning', text: 'person is already defined as contributor' }); } else { this.form.authors.push(person); notify({ type: 'info', text: 'person has been successfully added as author' }); } } public onAddContributor(person) { if (this.form.contributors.filter((e) => === > 0) { notify({ type: 'warning', title: 'Warning', text: 'person is already defined as contributor' }, 4000); } else if (this.form.authors.filter((e) => === > 0) { notify({ type: 'warning', title: 'Warning', text: 'person is already defined as author' }, 4000); } else { // person.pivot = { contributor_type: '' }; // // person.pivot = { name_type: '', contributor_type: '' }; this.form.contributors.push(person); notify({ type: 'info', text: 'person has been successfully added as contributor' }, 4000); } } public addKeyword() { let newSubject: Subject = { value: 'test', language: '', type: 'uncontrolled', dataset_count: 0 }; //this.dataset.files.push(uploadedFiles[i]); this.form.subjects.push(newSubject); } public addReference() { let newReference = { value: '', label: '', relation: '', type: '' }; //this.dataset.files.push(uploadedFiles[i]); this.form.references.push(newReference); } public removeReference(key) { this.form.references.splice(key, 1); } public onMapInitialized(newItem: any): void { console.log(newItem); } } export default toNative(EditComponent); // export default toNative(EditComponent);