import BaseSchema from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Schema'; export default class DocumentLicences extends BaseSchema { protected tableName = 'document_licences'; public async up() { this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => { table.increments('id').primary().defaultTo("nextval('document_licences_id_seq')"); table.boolean('active').notNullable().defaultTo(true); table.string('comment_internal', 4000); table.string('desc_markup', 4000); table.string('desc_text', 4000); table.string('language', 3); table.string('link_licence', 200).notNullable(); table.string('link_logo', 200); table.string('link_sign', 200); table.string('mime_type', 30); table.string('name_long', 200).notNullable(); table.string('name', 50).notNullable(); table.boolean('pod_allowed').notNullable().defaultTo(false); table.specificType('sort_order', 'smallint').notNullable(); }); } public async down() { this.schema.dropTable(this.tableName); } } // -- Table: document_licences // CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS document_licences // ( // id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('document_licences_id_seq'::regclass), // active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true, // comment_internal character varying(4000), // desc_markup character varying(4000), // desc_text character varying(4000), // language character varying(3), // link_licence character varying(200) NOT NULL, // link_logo character varying(200), // link_sign character varying(200), // mime_type character varying(30), // name_long character varying(200) NOT NULL, // name character varying(50) NOT NULL, // pod_allowed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, // sort_order smallint NOT NULL, // CONSTRAINT document_licences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) // ) // ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS document_licences // OWNER to tethys_admin; // REVOKE ALL ON TABLE document_licences FROM tethys_app; // GRANT ALL ON TABLE document_licences TO tethys_admin; // GRANT DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT, SELECT ON TABLE document_licences TO tethys_app;