import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'; import { Client } from '@opensearch-project/opensearch'; import Dataset from 'App/Models/Dataset'; import XmlModel from 'App/Library/XmlModel'; import { XMLBuilder } from 'xmlbuilder2/lib/interfaces'; import { create } from 'xmlbuilder2'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { transform } from 'saxon-js'; // Create a new instance of the client const client = new Client({ node: 'http://localhost:9200' }); // replace with your OpenSearch endpoint export default class DatasetsController { private proc; constructor() { this.proc = readFileSync('public/assets2/solr.sef.json'); // Load the XSLT file // this.proc = readFileSync('public/assets2/datasetxml2oai.sef.json'); } public async index({}: HttpContextContract) {} public async create({}: HttpContextContract) {} public async store({}: HttpContextContract) {} public async show({}: HttpContextContract) {} public async edit({}: HttpContextContract) {} // public async update({}: HttpContextContract) {} public async update({ response }) { const id = 273; //request.param('id'); const dataset = await Dataset.query().preload('xmlCache').where('id', id).firstOrFail(); // add xml elements let xml = create({ version: '1.0', encoding: 'UTF-8', standalone: true }, ''); const datasetNode = xml.root().ele('Dataset'); await this.createXmlRecord(dataset, datasetNode); // const domNode = await this.getDatasetXmlDomNode(dataset); // const xmlString = xml.end({ prettyPrint: true }); // const data = request.only(['field1', 'field2']); // get it from xslt // Create an index with non-default settings. var index_name = 'tethys-features'; const xmlString = xml.end({ prettyPrint: false }); let doc = ''; try { const result = await transform({ // stylesheetFileName: `${config.TMP_BASE_DIR}/data-quality/rules/iati.sef.json`, stylesheetText: this.proc, destination: 'serialized', // sourceFileName: sourceFile, sourceText: xmlString, // stylesheetParams: xsltParameter, // logLevel: 10, }); doc = result.principalResult; } catch (error) { return response.status(500).json({ message: 'An error occurred while creating the user', error: error.message, }); } // var settings = { // settings: { // index: { // number_of_shards: 4, // number_of_replicas: 3, // }, // }, // }; // var test = await client.indices.create({ // index: index_name, // body: settings, // }); // var document = { // title: 'Sample Document', // authors: [ // { // first_name: 'John', // last_name: 'Doe', // }, // { // first_name: 'Jane', // last_name: 'Smith', // }, // ], // year: '2018', // genre: 'Crime fiction', // }; // http://localhost:9200/datastets/_doc/1 // var id = '1'; try { // console.log(doc); let document = JSON.parse(`${doc}`); // // Define the new document // const document = { // title: 'Your Document Name', // id: dataset.publish_id, // doctype: 'GIS', // // "location" : { // // "type" : "point", // // "coordinates" : [74.00, 40.71] // // }, // geo_location: { // type: 'linestring', // coordinates: [ // [-77.03653, 38.897676], // [-77.009051, 38.889939], // ], // }, // // geo_location: 'BBOX (71.0589, 74.0060, 42.3601, 40.7128)' // // geo_location: { // // type: 'envelope', // // coordinates: [ // // [13.0, 53.0], // // [14.0, 52.0], // // ], // Define your BBOX coordinates // // }, // }; // Update the document var test = await client.index({ id: dataset.publish_id?.toString(), index: index_name, body: document, refresh: true, }); // Return the result return response.json(test.body); } catch (error) { // Handle any errors console.error(error); return response.status(500).json({ error: 'An error occurred while updating the data.' }); } } public async destroy({}: HttpContextContract) {} public async syncOpensearch({}: HttpContextContract) {} private async createXmlRecord(dataset: Dataset, datasetNode: XMLBuilder) { const domNode = await this.getDatasetXmlDomNode(dataset); if (domNode) { datasetNode.import(domNode); } } private async getDatasetXmlDomNode(dataset: Dataset) { const xmlModel = new XmlModel(dataset); // xmlModel.setModel(dataset); xmlModel.excludeEmptyFields(); xmlModel.caching = true; // const cache = dataset.xmlCache ? dataset.xmlCache : null; // dataset.load('xmlCache'); if (dataset.xmlCache) { xmlModel.xmlCache = dataset.xmlCache; } // return cache.getDomDocument(); const domDocument: XMLBuilder | null = await xmlModel.getDomDocument(); return domDocument; } }