const { join, resolve, dirname } = require('path'); const Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore'); const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader'); const dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack'); // Load the environment variables from the.env file Encore.addPlugin( new dotenv({ path: ".env", defaults: ".env", systemvars: true, allowEmptyValues: true, }) ) const babelLoader = { // test: /\.js$/, test: /\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$/, // exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/, // exclude: file => ( // /node_modules/.test(file) && // !/\.vue\.js/.test(file) // ), exclude: /node_modules/, use: { loader: 'babel-loader', options: { presets: [ // ['@babel/preset-env', { // "targets": "> 0.25%, not dead" // // "targets": { // // "edge": "17", // // "firefox": "60", // // "chrome": "67", // // "safari": "11.1" // // } // }], ['@babel/preset-env', {}], 'babel-preset-typescript-vue3', //because of new vue setup method // "@babel/preset-typescript" ], plugins: [ // "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", ['@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators', { legacy: true }], '@babel/proposal-class-properties', ], }, }, }; // const Components = require('unplugin-vue-components/webpack') // const { NaiveUiResolver } = require('unplugin-vue-components/resolvers') /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Encore runtime environment |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!Encore.isRuntimeEnvironmentConfigured()) { Encore.configureRuntimeEnvironment(process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Output path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The output path for writing the compiled files. It should always | be inside the public directory, so that AdonisJS can serve it. | */ Encore.setOutputPath('./public/assets'); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Public URI |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The public URI to access the static files. It should always be | relative from the "public" directory. | */ Encore.setPublicPath('/assets'); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Entrypoints |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Entrypoints are script files that boots your frontend application. Ideally | a single entrypoint is used by majority of applications. However, feel | free to add more (if required). | | Also, make sure to read the docs on "Assets bundler" to learn more about | entrypoints. | */ Encore.addEntry('app', './resources/js/app.ts'); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copy assets |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Since the edge templates are not part of the Webpack compile lifecycle, any | images referenced by it will not be processed by Webpack automatically. Hence | we must copy them manually. | */ // Encore.copyFiles({ // from: './resources/images', // to: 'images/[path][name].[hash:8].[ext]', // }) /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Split shared code |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Instead of bundling duplicate code in all the bundles, generate a separate | bundle for the shared code. | | | | */ // Encore.splitEntryChunks() /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Isolated entrypoints |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Treat each entry point and its dependencies as its own isolated module. | */ Encore.disableSingleRuntimeChunk(); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cleanup output folder |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | It is always nice to cleanup the build output before creating a build. It | will ensure that all unused files from the previous build are removed. | */ Encore.cleanupOutputBeforeBuild(); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Source maps |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Enable source maps in production | */ Encore.enableSourceMaps(!Encore.isProduction()); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Assets versioning |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Enable assets versioning to leverage lifetime browser and CDN cache | */ Encore.enableVersioning(Encore.isProduction()); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Configure dev server |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we configure the dev server to enable live reloading for edge templates. | Remember edge templates are not processed by Webpack and hence we need | to watch them explicitly and livereload the browser. | */ Encore.configureDevServerOptions((options) => { /** * Normalize "options.static" property to an array */ if (!options.static) { options.static = []; } else if (!Array.isArray(options.static)) { options.static = [options.static]; } /** * Enable live reload and add views directory */ options.liveReload = true; options.static.push({ directory: join(__dirname, './resources/views'), watch: true, }); }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CSS precompilers support |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Uncomment one of the following lines of code to enable support for your | favorite CSS precompiler | */ // Encore.enableSassLoader() // Encore.enableLessLoader() // Encore.enableStylusLoader() /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CSS loaders |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Uncomment one of the following line of code to enable support for | PostCSS or CSS. | */ Encore.enablePostCssLoader(); // Pass options // Encore.enablePostCssLoader((options) => { // options.postcssOptions = { // config: resolve(__dirname, 'custom.config.js') // } // }) // Encore.configureCssLoader(() => {}) /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Enable Vue loader |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Uncomment the following lines of code to enable support for vue. Also make | sure to install the required dependencies. | */ // Encore.configureBabel(function(config) { // config.presets.push('@babel/preset-env'); // config.presets.push('babel-preset-typescript-vue3'); // config.presets.push('@babel/preset-typescript'); // config.plugins.push(["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "legacy": true }]); // config.plugins.push("@babel/proposal-class-properties"); // }, { // // useBuiltIns: 'usage', // // corejs: 3, // // exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/, // }) // Encore.configureBabel(() => { // // // babelConfig.presets.push('@babel/preset-typescript'); // // // babelConfig.plugins.push('@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators'); // // // babelConfig.plugins.push('@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties'); // }, { // // useBuiltIns: 'usage', // // corejs: 3, // // exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/, // }) // Encore.addLoader(babelLoader) // .addAliases({ // '@': join(__dirname, 'resources/js') // }).configureDefinePlugin(options => { // options['__VUE_OPTIONS_API__'] = true // options['__VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__'] = false // }) // Encore.enableVueLoader(() => {}, { // version: 3, // runtimeCompilerBuild: true, //if using only single file components, this is not needed ( // useJsx: false, // // transpileOnly: true, //delet not valid // // appendTsSuffixTo: [ // // '\\.vue$' // // ], // // happyPackMode: false // // options: { // // loaders: { // // ts: 'babel-loader!ts-loader' // // } // // } // }) Encore.addLoader({ test: /\.vue$/, loader: 'vue-loader', options: { // loaders: { // ts: 'ts-loader', // }, cacheDirectory: 'C:\\Users\\kaiarn\\Documents\\Software\\tethys.viewer\\node_modules\\.cache\\vue-loader', cacheIdentifier: 'f930df3e', babelParserPlugins: ['jsx', 'classProperties', 'decorators-legacy'], }, }).addPlugin(new VueLoaderPlugin()); // .addAliases({ // vue$: 'vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js', // }); // Encore.addLoader(babelLoader) Encore.enableTypeScriptLoader(config => { // Loader-specific options config.configFile = 'resources/js/tsconfig.json'; config.appendTsSuffixTo = [/\.vue$/]; config.transpileOnly = true; config.happyPackMode = false; }, { // Directly change the exclude rule exclude: /node_modules/, }) .addAliases({ '@': join(__dirname, 'resources/js'), 'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js', }) .configureDefinePlugin((options) => { options['__VUE_OPTIONS_API__'] = true; options['__VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__'] = false; options['__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__'] = false; }); // Encore.addAliases({ // '@': resolve(__dirname, 'resources/js') // }) // Encore.addPlugin(Components({ // resolvers: [NaiveUiResolver()] // })) // uncomment if you use TypeScript // Encore.enableTypeScriptLoader() // Encore.addLoader(babelLoader) // Encore.configureTerserPlugin((options) => { // options.extractComments = false; // options.parallel = true; // options.terserOptions = { // compress: { // arrows: false, // collapse_vars: false, // comparisons: false, // computed_props: false, // hoist_funs: false, // hoist_props: false, // hoist_vars: false, // inline: false, // loops: false, // negate_iife: false, // properties: false, // reduce_funcs: false, // reduce_vars: false, // switches: false, // toplevel: false, // typeofs: false, // booleans: true, // if_return: true, // sequences: true, // unused: true, // conditionals: true, // dead_code: true, // evaluate: true, // }, // mangle: { // safari10: true, // }, // }; // }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Configure logging |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | To keep the terminal clean from unnecessary info statements , we only | log warnings and errors. If you want all the logs, you can change | the level to "info". | */ const config = Encore.getWebpackConfig(); config.infrastructureLogging = { level: 'warn', }; config.stats = 'errors-warnings'; // config.resolve.extensions.push('.vue'); // config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts'); // config.resolve.extensions.push('.js'); // Encore.addAliases({ // vue$: 'vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js' // }) // config.resolve = { // extensions: ['.vue', '.ts', '.js'], // // alias: { // // // Base: path.resolve(__dirname, './remark/es/Base.js'), // // // Site: path.resolve(__dirname, './remark/es/Site.js'), // // // '@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'resources/js'), // // } // }; config.resolve.extensions = ['.tsx', '.ts', '.mjs', '.js', '.jsx', '.vue', '.json', '.wasm']; // config.resolve = { // // vue: 'vue/dist/vue.js' // alias: { // vue: 'vue/dist/vue.js' // } // } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Export config |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Export config for webpack to do its job | */ module.exports = config;