import type { Directive, Plugin } from 'vue'; import type { EventEmitter } from '@/Components/Map/EventEmitter'; // // let emitter: EventEmitter; export const EmitterDirective: Directive = { mounted: (el, binding, vnode) => { // el: the element the directive is bound to. This can be used to directly manipulate binding.arg && el.setAttribute('event', binding.arg); // const vm = binding.instance; // let iwas = vm?.$data.onMapInitializedEvent; // var handlers = ( && || // (vnode.componentOptions && vnode.componentOptions.listeners); //vnode: the underlying VNode representing the bound element. //binding.instance: The instance of the component where the directive is used. // const instance = binding.instance; // if (vnode && vnode.dirs) { // const instance = vnode.dirs[0].instance; // } // binding.value // arg: 'onMapInitialized' // dir: {created: ƒ} // instance: Proxy {__v_skip: true} // modifiers: {} // oldValue: undefined // value: {mapId: 'test', name: 'test'} const handler = binding.value; // let instanceComp = binding.instance; // @ts-ignore if (vnode.ctx) { // @ts-ignore emitter =[binding.arg]; emitter.on(handler); } // for (const key in binding.value) { // const k = key; //kebabCase(key); // if (!el.hasAttribute(k)) { // el.setAttribute(k, binding.value[key]); // } // } }, unmounted(binding) { const handler = binding.value;; }, // getSSRProps(binding) { // /* c8 ignore next */ // if (!binding.value) return {}; // return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(binding.value).map(([key, value]) => [kebabCase(key), value])); // }, }; export const EmitterPlugin: Plugin = { install(app) { app.directive('bind-event', EmitterDirective); }, };