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import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';
import User from 'App/Models/User';
import { RenderResponse } from '@ioc:EidelLev/Inertia';
import TwoFactorAuthProvider from 'App/Services/TwoFactorAuthProvider';
import Hash from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Hash';
import { schema, rules } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator';
// Here we are generating secret and recovery codes for the user thats enabling 2FA and storing them to our database.
export default class UserController {
* Show the user a form to change their personal information & password.
* @return \Inertia\Response
public async accountInfo({ inertia, auth }: HttpContextContract): RenderResponse {
// const user = auth.user;
const user = (await User.find(auth.user?.id)) as User;
// const id = request.param('id');
// const user = await User.query().where('id', id).firstOrFail();
return inertia.render('Auth/AccountInfo', {
user: user,
twoFactorEnabled: user.isTwoFactorEnabled,
// code: await TwoFactorAuthProvider.generateQrCode(user),
public async accountInfoStore({ auth, request, response, session }) {
const passwordSchema = schema.create({
old_password: schema.string({ trim: true }, [rules.required()]),
new_password: schema.string({ trim: true }, [rules.minLength(8), rules.maxLength(255), rules.confirmed('confirm_password')]),
confirm_password: schema.string({ trim: true }, [rules.required()]),
try {
await request.validate({ schema: passwordSchema });
} catch (error) {
// return response.badRequest(error.messages);
throw error;
try {
const user = await auth.user;
const { old_password, new_password } = request.only(['old_password', 'new_password']);
// if (!(old_password && new_password && confirm_password)) {
// return response.status(400).send({ warning: 'Old password and new password are required.' });
// }
// Verify if the provided old password matches the user's current password
const isSame = await Hash.verify(user.password, old_password);
if (!isSame) {
return response.flash({ warning: 'Old password is incorrect.' }).redirect().back();
// Hash the new password before updating the user's password
user.password = new_password;
await user.save();
// return response.status(200).send({ message: 'Password updated successfully.' });
session.flash('Password updated successfully.');
return response.redirect().toRoute('settings.user.index');
} catch (error) {
// return response.status(500).send({ message: 'Internal server error.' });
return response.flash('warning', `Invalid server state. Internal server error.`).redirect().back();
public async enableTwoFactorAuthentication({ auth, response, session }: HttpContextContract): Promise<void> {
// const user: User | undefined = auth?.user;
const user = (await User.find(auth.user?.id)) as User;
user.twoFactorSecret = TwoFactorAuthProvider.generateSecret(user);
user.twoFactorRecoveryCodes = await TwoFactorAuthProvider.generateRecoveryCodes();
await user.save();
session.flash('message', 'Two factor authentication enabled.');
return response.redirect().back();
// return inertia.render('Auth/AccountInfo', {
// // status: {
// // type: 'success',
// // message: 'Two factor authentication enabled.',
// // },
// user: user,
// twoFactorEnabled: user.isTwoFactorEnabled,
// code: await TwoFactorAuthProvider.generateQrCode(user),
// recoveryCodes: user.twoFactorRecoveryCodes,
// });
public async disableTwoFactorAuthentication({ auth, response, session }): Promise<void> {
const user = auth?.user;
user.twoFactorSecret = null;
user.twoFactorRecoveryCodes = null;
await user.save();
session.flash('message', 'Two factor authentication disabled.');
return response.redirect().back();
// return inertia.render('Auth/AccountInfo', {
// // status: {
// // type: 'success',
// // message: 'Two factor authentication disabled.',
// // },
// user: user,
// twoFactorEnabled: user.isTwoFactorEnabled,
// });
// public async fetchRecoveryCodes({ auth, view }) {
// const user = auth?.user;
// return view.render('pages/settings', {
// twoFactorEnabled: user.isTwoFactorEnabled,
// recoveryCodes: user.twoFactorRecoveryCodes,
// });
// }