import hypot from '../common/hypot'; export function init() { this.flip_axis = (this.sweep === 'x' ? 1 : 0); this.h = Number(this.h); this.radius_g_1 = this.h / this.a; if (this.radius_g_1 <= 0 || this.radius_g_1 > 1e10) { throw new Error(); } this.radius_g = 1.0 + this.radius_g_1; this.C = this.radius_g * this.radius_g - 1.0; if ( !== 0.0) { var one_es = 1.0 -; var rone_es = 1 / one_es; this.radius_p = Math.sqrt(one_es); this.radius_p2 = one_es; this.radius_p_inv2 = rone_es; this.shape = 'ellipse'; // Use as a condition in the forward and inverse functions. } else { this.radius_p = 1.0; this.radius_p2 = 1.0; this.radius_p_inv2 = 1.0; this.shape = 'sphere'; // Use as a condition in the forward and inverse functions. } if (!this.title) { this.title = "Geostationary Satellite View"; } } function forward(p) { var lon = p.x; var lat = p.y; var tmp, v_x, v_y, v_z; lon = lon - this.long0; if (this.shape === 'ellipse') { lat = Math.atan(this.radius_p2 * Math.tan(lat)); var r = this.radius_p / hypot(this.radius_p * Math.cos(lat), Math.sin(lat)); v_x = r * Math.cos(lon) * Math.cos(lat); v_y = r * Math.sin(lon) * Math.cos(lat); v_z = r * Math.sin(lat); if (((this.radius_g - v_x) * v_x - v_y * v_y - v_z * v_z * this.radius_p_inv2) < 0.0) { p.x = Number.NaN; p.y = Number.NaN; return p; } tmp = this.radius_g - v_x; if (this.flip_axis) { p.x = this.radius_g_1 * Math.atan(v_y / hypot(v_z, tmp)); p.y = this.radius_g_1 * Math.atan(v_z / tmp); } else { p.x = this.radius_g_1 * Math.atan(v_y / tmp); p.y = this.radius_g_1 * Math.atan(v_z / hypot(v_y, tmp)); } } else if (this.shape === 'sphere') { tmp = Math.cos(lat); v_x = Math.cos(lon) * tmp; v_y = Math.sin(lon) * tmp; v_z = Math.sin(lat); tmp = this.radius_g - v_x; if (this.flip_axis) { p.x = this.radius_g_1 * Math.atan(v_y / hypot(v_z, tmp)); p.y = this.radius_g_1 * Math.atan(v_z / tmp); } else { p.x = this.radius_g_1 * Math.atan(v_y / tmp); p.y = this.radius_g_1 * Math.atan(v_z / hypot(v_y, tmp)); } } p.x = p.x * this.a; p.y = p.y * this.a; return p; } function inverse(p) { var v_x = -1.0; var v_y = 0.0; var v_z = 0.0; var a, b, det, k; p.x = p.x / this.a; p.y = p.y / this.a; if (this.shape === 'ellipse') { if (this.flip_axis) { v_z = Math.tan(p.y / this.radius_g_1); v_y = Math.tan(p.x / this.radius_g_1) * hypot(1.0, v_z); } else { v_y = Math.tan(p.x / this.radius_g_1); v_z = Math.tan(p.y / this.radius_g_1) * hypot(1.0, v_y); } var v_zp = v_z / this.radius_p; a = v_y * v_y + v_zp * v_zp + v_x * v_x; b = 2 * this.radius_g * v_x; det = (b * b) - 4 * a * this.C; if (det < 0.0) { p.x = Number.NaN; p.y = Number.NaN; return p; } k = (-b - Math.sqrt(det)) / (2.0 * a); v_x = this.radius_g + k * v_x; v_y *= k; v_z *= k; p.x = Math.atan2(v_y, v_x); p.y = Math.atan(v_z * Math.cos(p.x) / v_x); p.y = Math.atan(this.radius_p_inv2 * Math.tan(p.y)); } else if (this.shape === 'sphere') { if (this.flip_axis) { v_z = Math.tan(p.y / this.radius_g_1); v_y = Math.tan(p.x / this.radius_g_1) * Math.sqrt(1.0 + v_z * v_z); } else { v_y = Math.tan(p.x / this.radius_g_1); v_z = Math.tan(p.y / this.radius_g_1) * Math.sqrt(1.0 + v_y * v_y); } a = v_y * v_y + v_z * v_z + v_x * v_x; b = 2 * this.radius_g * v_x; det = (b * b) - 4 * a * this.C; if (det < 0.0) { p.x = Number.NaN; p.y = Number.NaN; return p; } k = (-b - Math.sqrt(det)) / (2.0 * a); v_x = this.radius_g + k * v_x; v_y *= k; v_z *= k; p.x = Math.atan2(v_y, v_x); p.y = Math.atan(v_z * Math.cos(p.x) / v_x); } p.x = p.x + this.long0; return p; } export var names = ["Geostationary Satellite View", "Geostationary_Satellite", "geos"]; export default { init: init, forward: forward, inverse: inverse, names: names, };