import defs from './defs'; import wkt from 'wkt-parser'; import projStr from './projString'; import match from './match'; function testObj(code){ return typeof code === 'string'; } function testDef(code){ return code in defs; } var codeWords = ['PROJECTEDCRS', 'PROJCRS', 'GEOGCS','GEOCCS','PROJCS','LOCAL_CS', 'GEODCRS', 'GEODETICCRS', 'GEODETICDATUM', 'ENGCRS', 'ENGINEERINGCRS']; function testWKT(code){ return codeWords.some(function (word) { return code.indexOf(word) > -1; }); } var codes = ['3857', '900913', '3785', '102113']; function checkMercator(item) { var auth = match(item, 'authority'); if (!auth) { return; } var code = match(auth, 'epsg'); return code && codes.indexOf(code) > -1; } function checkProjStr(item) { var ext = match(item, 'extension'); if (!ext) { return; } return match(ext, 'proj4'); } function testProj(code){ return code[0] === '+'; } function parse(code){ if (testObj(code)) { //check to see if this is a WKT string if (testDef(code)) { return defs[code]; } if (testWKT(code)) { var out = wkt(code); // test of spetial case, due to this being a very common and often malformed if (checkMercator(out)) { return defs['EPSG:3857']; } var maybeProjStr = checkProjStr(out); if (maybeProjStr) { return projStr(maybeProjStr); } return out; } if (testProj(code)) { return projStr(code); } }else{ return code; } } export default parse;