import jsPDF from 'jspdf'; import 'jspdf-autotable'; export default function print( einschraenkungen, hinweise, computationResult, screenshot, image_bal, image_userdefined, cadastralData, warnings = false, image_borefield, calculationMode, theme, resources ) { // space between tables let spaceBetween = 5; // create new pdf document object const doc = new jsPDF({ orientation: 'portrait', unit: 'mm', format: 'a4', }); // add date to top right corner let today = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); doc.setFontSize(8); doc.text('erstellt am ' + today, 190, 10, { align: 'right' }); // add heading doc.setFontSize(14); doc.text('Standortbasierter Bericht', 105, 20, { align: 'center', }); // screenshot of the map // doc.addImage(screenshot, 'PNG', 20, 30, 170, 85); // cadastral data if (cadastralData) { doc.autoTable({ html: '#cadastral-data-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', startY: 30, styles: { halign: 'center' }, columnStyles: { 0: { fillColor: [255, 255, 255] } }, }); } // address table doc.autoTable({ html: '#address-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', startY: doc.lastAutoTable.finalY ? doc.lastAutoTable.finalY : 30, styles: { halign: 'center' }, columnStyles: { 0: { fillColor: [255, 255, 255] } }, }); // legend for parcel boundary lines // if (computationResult && theme === 'EWS') { // doc.autoTable({ // startY: doc.lastAutoTable.finalY, // head: [], // body: [ // [' ', 'Grundstücksgrenze'], // [' ', '2,5-Meter-Abstand zur Grundstückgsrenze'], // ], // willDrawCell: () => { // doc.setFillColor(255, 255, 255); // }, // didDrawCell: function (data) { // let rowCenterY = data.row.height / 2; // doc.setLineWidth(0.5); // if (computationResult && data.row.index === 0 && data.column.index === 0) { // doc.setDrawColor('blue'); // doc.line(data.cursor.x + 5, data.cursor.y + rowCenterY, data.cursor.x + 40, data.cursor.y + rowCenterY); // } // if (computationResult && theme === 'EWS' && data.row.index === 1 && data.column.index === 0) { // doc.setDrawColor('#00890c'); // doc.line(data.cursor.x + 5, data.cursor.y + rowCenterY, data.cursor.x + 40, data.cursor.y + rowCenterY); // } // }, // }); // } // warnings table if (computationResult && warnings) { doc.autoTable({ html: '#warnings-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', startY: doc.lastAutoTable.finalY, willDrawCell: function (data) { if (data.section === 'body' && data.cell.text !== '') { doc.setFillColor(255, 251, 214); doc.setTextColor(113, 81, 0); } else { doc.setFillColor(255, 255, 255); } }, }); } // resources table if (resources) { doc.autoTable({ html: '#resources-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', showHead: 'firstPage', startY: doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + spaceBetween, columnStyles: { 0: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, }, willDrawCell: function (data) { if (data.section === 'head') { doc.setFillColor(5, 46, 55); data.cell.text = 'Ressourcen'; } if ( data.cell.text.length > 0 && (data.cell.text[0].startsWith('Ressourcen') || data.cell.text[0].startsWith('Standortabhängige')) ) { data.cell.styles.halign = 'center'; } }, }); } // restrictions table if (einschraenkungen) { // start at second page doc.addPage(); doc.autoTable({ html: '#einschraenkungen-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', showHead: 'firstPage', startY: 20, columnStyles: { 0: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, 1: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, }, willDrawCell: (data) => { if (data.section === 'head') { doc.setFillColor(5, 46, 55); data.cell.text = 'Einschränkungen'; } }, }); } // hints table if (hinweise) { doc.autoTable({ html: '#hinweise-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', showHead: 'firstPage', startY: einschraenkungen ? doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + spaceBetween : 20, columnStyles: { 0: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, 1: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, }, willDrawCell: function (data) { if (data.section === 'head') { doc.setFillColor(5, 46, 55); data.cell.text = 'Hinweise'; } }, }); } // calculations input table if (computationResult) { if (einschraenkungen || hinweise) { doc.addPage(); } doc.autoTable({ html: '#calculations-input-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', showHead: 'firstPage', startY: hinweise ? 20 : doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + spaceBetween, columnStyles: { 0: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, }, willDrawCell: function (data) { if (data.section === 'head') { doc.setFillColor(5, 46, 55); data.cell.text[0] = 'Berechnungsergebnisse'; } if ( data.cell.text[0] === 'Berechnungsvorgaben' || data.cell.text[0] === 'Benutzereingabe' || data.cell.text[0] === 'Standortabhängige Parameter' ) { data.cell.styles.halign = 'center'; } }, }); } // borefield map if (computationResult && image_borefield) { const imgProps = doc.getImageProperties(image_borefield.current); const width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth() - 100; const totalHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight(); let height = (imgProps.height * width) / imgProps.width; if (height > totalHeight - doc.lastAutoTable.finalY - 10) { doc.addPage(); doc.addImage(image_borefield.current, 'PNG', 50, 20, width, height); } else { doc.addImage(image_borefield.current, 'PNG', 50, doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + 5, width, height); } } // start new page if theme is EWS // user input table is longer than for GWWP if (computationResult && theme === 'EWS') { doc.addPage(); } if (computationResult) { doc.autoTable({ html: '#calculations-output-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', showHead: 'firstPage', startY: theme === 'EWS' ? 20 : doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + spaceBetween, columnStyles: { 0: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, }, willDrawCell: (data) => { if (data.cell.text[0] === 'Benutzerdefinierte Vorgaben') { data.cell.styles.halign = 'center'; } if ( data.cell.text[0].startsWith('Berechnungsergebnisse') || data.cell.text[0].startsWith('Heizbetrieb') || data.cell.text[0].startsWith('Kühlbetrieb') ) { doc.setFillColor(255, 255, 255); data.cell.styles.halign = 'center'; } }, }); } // plot graph for user defined input let height = 0; if (computationResult && image_userdefined) { const imgProps = doc.getImageProperties(image_userdefined.current); const width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth() - 60; const totalHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight(); height = (imgProps.height * width) / imgProps.width; if (height > totalHeight - doc.lastAutoTable.finalY - 10) { doc.addPage(); doc.addImage(image_userdefined.current, 'PNG', 30, 20, width, height); } else { doc.addImage(image_userdefined.current, 'PNG', 30, doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + 5, width, height); } } // calculations output for automatic input if (computationResult && image_bal && image_bal.current) { doc.addPage(); doc.autoTable({ html: '#calculations-bal-output-table', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', showHead: 'firstPage', startY: 20, columnStyles: { 0: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, }, willDrawCell: (data) => { if (data.section === 'head') { doc.setFillColor(5, 46, 55); data.cell.text[0] = 'Berechnungsergebnisse für den saisonalen Speicherbetrieb'; } if ( data.cell.text[0] === 'Berechnungsergebnisse' || data.cell.text[0].startsWith('Heizbetrieb') || data.cell.text[0].startsWith('Kühlbetrieb') ) { data.cell.styles.halign = 'center'; } }, }); } // plot graph for automatic input if (computationResult && image_bal && image_bal.current) { const imgProps = doc.getImageProperties(image_bal.current); const width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth() - 60; const totalHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight(); height = (imgProps.height * width) / imgProps.width; if (height > totalHeight - doc.lastAutoTable.finalY - 10) { doc.addPage(); doc.addImage(image_bal.current, 'PNG', 30, 20, width, height); } else { doc.addImage(image_bal.current, 'PNG', 30, doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + 5, width, height); } } // show glossary doc.addPage(); if (computationResult && theme === 'EWS') { doc.autoTable({ startY: 20, head: [ [ { content: 'Glossar', colSpan: 2, styles: { fillColor: [5, 46, 55] }, }, ], ], body: [ ['COP', 'Leistungszahl der Wärmepumpe im Heizbetrieb (Coefficient of Performance)'], ['JAZ', 'Jahresarbeitszahl oder saisonale Leistungszahl der Wärmepumpe im Heizbetrieb'], ['EER', 'Leistungszahl der Wärmepumpe im Kühlbetrieb (Energy Efficiency Rating)'], ['SEER', 'Saisonale Leistungszahl der Wärmepumpe im Kühlbetrieb (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating)'], ], columnStyles: { 0: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, 1: { lineWidth: { bottom: 0.1 }, lineColor: '#d1d1d1', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], }, }, }); } // disclaimer doc.autoTable({ html: '#disclaimer', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', startY: computationResult && theme === 'EWS' ? doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + spaceBetween : 20, columnStyles: { 0: { fillColor: [255, 255, 255] } }, willDrawCell: function (data) { if (data.section === 'head') { doc.setFillColor(5, 46, 55); data.cell.text = 'Haftungsausschluss'; } }, }); // contact doc.autoTable({ html: '#contact', rowPageBreak: 'avoid', startY: doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + spaceBetween, columnStyles: { 0: { fillColor: [255, 255, 255] } }, willDrawCell: (data) => { if (data.section === 'head') { doc.setFillColor(5, 46, 55); data.cell.text = 'Kontakt'; } }, }); // print page numbers and number of total pages const pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages(); for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) { // go to page i doc.setPage(i); // set font size doc.setFontSize(8); // print text doc.text('Seite ' + i, 190, 283, { align: 'right', }); }'Bericht.pdf'); }