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1096 lines
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V5.0_beta: Komplette Neuprogrammierung der Potenzialberechnung
Vorgegeben werden die Positionen des Erdsondenfeldes (beliebige Koordinaten), die Volllaststunden für Heizen und Kühlen, sowie das gewünschte Leistungsverhältnis (PHZ/PKL) auf der kalten Seite der Wärmepumpe
Wenn keine Vorgabe der Volllaststunden vorhanden, werden die Norm_Betriebsstunden verwendet und als Leistungsverhältnis das deltaT von ungestörter Untergrundtemperatur zu den Heiz-Kühllimits
Ergebnis bei Leistungsvorgabe: Sondenleistung pro Laufmeter Sonde für Heizen und Kühlen, unter Einhaltung des Leistungsverhältnisses und BEtriebsstunden sowie Deckungsgrad
Ergebnis ohne Leistungsvorgabe: Sondenleistung pro Laufmeter Sonde für Heizen und Kühlen, unter Einhaltung Normbetriebsstunden
zusätzlich wird das Leistungspotenzial bei ausgeglichener Jahresenergiebilanz berechnet
zusätzlich werden die Ergebnisse grafisch ausgegeben!
Calculation of g-functions using uniform heat extraction rates.
Programm zur Erstdimensionierung von Erdwärmesonden für ein Grundstück, nach Vorgabe der Positionen des Erdsondenfeldes und Optional die Leistungen und Volllaststunden für Heizen und Kühlen
beta5: Grafikausgabe DEUTSCH
COP und EER Vorgabe möglich - vorerst fix COP=5 und EER=0
option für Berechnung der NORMBS
option für Definition Sondenfeld als Rechteck oder mit Koordinaten
Berechnung der durchschnittlichen Entfernung der nächsten Nachbarsonden, bei Vorgabe mit Koordinaten
SA_FF ersetzt durch nBoreholes
Berücksichtige COP, SCOP, EER und SEER bei der Leistungsvorgabe
beta6: Vorgabe der Vorlauftemperatur des Heizsystems zur Berechnung des COP (neuer parameter "T_radiator")
Berücksichtige Steigerung der Unergrundtemperatur bei Sonden tiefer als 100 m: (neuer parameter "gradient", "GT_calc")
deaktiviere 3D Bohrgrafik
Berechne Steigerung der Leistung bei BALANCED mode (neuer parameter: "cover_rise")
Enable/Disable DEBUG or RESULT print messages
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from multiprocessing import freeze_support
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import pygfunction as gt
from scipy.constants import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import base64
import io
def main():
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Simulation parameters
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find relative path of application for File I/O
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
application_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
application_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
PNGPath = os.path.join(application_path, 'Results_userdefined.png')
PNGPath_bal = os.path.join(application_path, 'Results_autobalanced.png')
PNGPath_borefield = os.path.join(application_path, 'borefield.png')
# Enable or Disable DEBUG print messages and RESULT print messages
DEBUG = False
RESULT = False
def log(s):
# Define coefficient of performance for heat pump, value "0" is direct heating or cooling
# COP = float("5")
# EER = float("0")
Tmin = float("-1.5") # minimum Fluid Temperature for Heating (°C)
Tmax = float("28") # Maximum Fluid Temperature for Cooling (°C)
years = int("20") # operating time
D = float("1.") # Borehole buried depth (m)
r_b = float("0.075") # Borehole radius (m)
flowrate = float("0.4") # flow rate per borehole (kg/s)
cv = float("2.2") # volumetric heat capacity of the earth (MJ/m³/K)
# ground temperature gradient (K/m) for depth dependent ground temperature
gradient = float("0.03")
# calculate scenario for balanced load if BALANCED > 0
# import mean surface temperature °C from map
BT = float(sys.argv[1])
GT = float(sys.argv[2]) # mean underground temperature °C
# heat conductivity of the earth (W/m/K)
lamda = float(sys.argv[3])
# typical operational hours for heating (h/yr)
BS_HZ_Norm = float(sys.argv[4])
# typical operational hours for cooling (h/yr)
BS_KL_Norm = float(sys.argv[5])
# known operational hours for heating (h/yr)
BS_HZ = float(sys.argv[6])
BS_KL = float(sys.argv[7]) # known operational hours for cooling
P_HZ = float(sys.argv[8]) # known heating power of heat pump
# known cooling power (of heat pump), has to be negative
P_KL = -float(sys.argv[9])
H = float(sys.argv[10]) # Borehole length (m)
T_radiator = float(sys.argv[11])
# GT = float("11.6") # mean underground temperature (°C)
# lamda = float("2.0") # heat conductivity of the earth (W/m/K)
# BS_HZ = float("0") # operational hours for heating (h/yr)
# BS_KL = float("0") # operational hours for cooling (h/yr)
# P_HZ = float("17") # heating power of building (kW)
# P_KL = float("-11.5") # cooling power of building, use NEGATIVE VALUES! (kW)
# H = float("250") # Borehole length (m)
# T_radiator = float("35") # inlet temperature of heating system (30 - 60 °C) for COP calculation
# # option 1.1:
# # calculate typical operation hours from BT:
# BT = float("11.8") # mean surface temperature °C
# BS_HZ_Norm = np.round(200. + 3380. * np.power(BT,-0.276),0)
# BS_KL_Norm = np.round(max((BT-8.)*180.,0.),0)
# # option 1.2:
# # import typical operation hours from maps
# BS_HZ_Norm = float(sys.argv[5]) # typical operational hours for heating (h/yr)
# BS_KL_Norm = float(sys.argv[6]) # typical operational hours for cooling (h/yr)
# BS_HZ_Norm = float("1902") # typical operational hours for heating (h/yr)
# BS_KL_Norm = float("1000") # typical operational hours for cooling (h/yr)
# option 2.1: define rectangular field
# if N_1 or N_2 zero, then borefiled is defined from coordinates of bore_position
N_1 = int("0")
# if N_1 and N_2 >0, then borefiled ignored and rectangular field is defined
N_2 = int("0")
# Borehole spacing for unbalanced load (m), if bore_position is ignored
BB = float("5")
# option 2.2: define coordinates of bore_positions, can be irregular, if ractangular field is not defined
# bore_position=np.array([[ 0., 0.], [ 0., 5.], [0., 10.], [ 5., 0.], [ 5., 5.]])
l = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(" []"), sys.argv[12].split(",")))
bore_position_temp = []
for i in range(0, len(l) - 1, 2):
bore_position_temp.append([float(l[i]), float(l[i + 1])])
bore_position = np.array(bore_position_temp)
# calculate depth dependent underground temperature
if (H > 100.):
GTcalc = GT + (H-100)/2 * gradient
GTcalc = GT
# calculate maximum deltaT
deltaT_HZ = GTcalc - Tmin
deltaT_KL = GTcalc - Tmax # negative
# if the field is defined by retangular array N_1 x N_2
log(f"calculate bore field")
if (N_1 > 0 and N_2 > 0):
if ((N_1*N_2) == 1):
BB_L3 = (f"of infinite")
BB_L3 = (f"of {BB} m")
boreField = gt.boreholes.rectangle_field(N_1, N_2, BB, BB, H, D, r_b)
bore_position = np.zeros([N_1*N_2, 2], dtype=float)
nBoreholes = len(boreField)
BB_mean = BB
# for bore field with coordinates: create boreField with xy coordinates
b = []
for i in (range(len(bore_position))):
b.append(gt.boreholes.Borehole(H=H, D=D, r_b=r_b,
x=bore_position[i, 0], y=bore_position[i, 1]))
# remove duplicates:
b = gt.boreholes.remove_duplicates(b, disp=DEBUG)
nBoreholes = len(b)
if nBoreholes > 1:
# calculate BHE distances and direction
np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf, formatter={
'float': '{: 0.3f}'.format})
MATdistance = np.zeros((len(b), len(b)))
MATquadrant = np.zeros((len(b), len(b)), dtype=int)
NEAREST = np.tile(np.nan, (len(b), 4))
for i in (range(len(b))):
b1 = b[i]
xy1 = b[i].position()
for j in (range(len(b))):
b2 = b[j]
xy2 = b[j].position()
MATdistance[i, j] = b1.distance(b2)
XX, YY = np.subtract(xy2, xy1)
# caculate Direction (Quadrant)
if (XX > 0 and YY >= 0):
MATquadrant[i, j] = 1 # in 1st quadrant or pos x-axis
elif (XX <= 0 and YY > 0):
MATquadrant[i, j] = 2 # in 2nd quadrant or pos y-axis
elif (XX < 0 and YY <= 0):
MATquadrant[i, j] = 3 # in 3rd quadrant or neg x-axis
elif (XX >= 0 and YY < 0):
MATquadrant[i, j] = 4 # in 4th quadrant or neg y-axis
MATquadrant[i, j] = 5 # ident
MATdistance[i, i] = 0. # distance b1 to themselve = zero
# calculate nearest distance in each quadrant for all BHEs
for k in range(4):
a = (MATdistance[i, :][MATquadrant[i, :] == k+1])
if (np.size(a) > 0):
NEAREST[i, k] = min(a)
# log(MATdistance)
# log(MATquadrant)
# log(NEAREST)
BB_mean = np.nanmean(NEAREST)
BB_mean = np.round(np.nanmean(NEAREST), 1)
log(f"mean distance to other BHEs: {BB_mean}")
BB_mean = 0.
boreField = b
BB_L3 = ("given by coordinates")
divider = nBoreholes * H
if (T_radiator > 29. and T_radiator < 90.):
Qc, Qe, Pel = get_COP_potential(T_radiator, -3., 1.)
COP = Qc/Pel
Qc, Qe, Pel = get_COP_potential(30., 18., 1.)
EER = Qe/Pel
log(f"COP calculation with {T_radiator:.1f} °C and -3°C: {COP:.2f}")
log(f"EER calculation with 30 °C and 18°C: {EER:.2f}")
# clarify heating/cooling cases
if (BS_HZ == 0):
P_HZ = 0.
if (BS_KL == 0):
P_KL = 0.
if (P_HZ == 0):
BS_HZ = 0.
if (P_KL == 0):
BS_KL = 0.
# if defined, use given building demand
if (abs(P_HZ*BS_HZ) > 0. or abs(P_KL*BS_KL) > 0.):
if (COP > 0.):
P_HZ = P_HZ * (1-1/COP)
if (EER > 0.):
P_KL = P_KL * (1+1/EER)
if (P_KL == 0.):
Pfactor = 1000.
elif (P_HZ == 0.):
Pfactor = 1/1000.
Pfactor = P_HZ / -P_KL
if (BS_HZ_L3 == 0):
Efactor = 0.
elif (BS_KL_L3 > 0 and Pfactor < 100.):
Efactor = Pfactor * BS_HZ_L3 / BS_KL_L3
Efactor, BS_KL_L3 = 1000., 0.
case = "user"
# if NOT defined, use typical operation hours
BS_HZ_L3 = BS_HZ_Norm
BS_KL_L3 = BS_KL_Norm
Pfactor = deltaT_HZ/-deltaT_KL
if (BS_KL_L3 > 0):
Efactor = Pfactor * BS_HZ_L3 / BS_KL_L3
Efactor = 1000.
Efactor = Pfactor*BS_HZ_Norm/BS_KL_Norm
case = "norm"
if (Efactor > 0.9 and Efactor < 1.1):
# predefinitions
Efactor_bal = 1.0
Pfactor_bal = 1.0
PHZ_L3_bal, PKL_L3_bal = 0., 0.
PHZ_L3, PKL_L3 = 0., 0.
coverHZ, coverKL, cover_user = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
coverHZ_bal, coverKL_bal, cover_bal, cover_rise = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
Eel_heatpump_user, Eel_chiller_user = 0., 0.
Eel_heatpump_bal, Eel_chiller_bal = 0., 0.
Pel_heatpump_user, Pel_chiller_user = 0., 0.
Pel_heatpump_bal, Pel_chiller_bal = 0., 0.
SCOP, SEER, SCOP_bal, SEER_bal = 0., 0., 0., 0.
# if BHEs are defined, calculate POTENTIAL with user-defined or standard power ratio and operational hours
image_hash = ""
image_hash_bal = ""
image_hash_borefield = ""
if (nBoreholes > 0):
PHZ_L3, PKL_L3, Efactor, SCOP, SEER, image_hash, image_hash_borefield = calculateL3(
GTcalc, lamda, BS_HZ_L3, BS_KL_L3, Tmin, Tmax, years, D, H, r_b, cv, Pfactor, flowrate, boreField, PNGPath, PNGPath_borefield, T_radiator, DEBUG, RESULT)
# if BHEs are defined, calculate POTENTIAL with automatic balanced power ratio and operational hours
BS_HZ_bal = 0
BS_KL_bal = 0
if (nBoreholes > 0 and BALANCED > 0):
Pfactor_bal = deltaT_HZ/-deltaT_KL
if (BS_HZ_L3 >= BS_KL_L3):
BS_HZ_bal = max(BS_HZ_L3, BS_KL_L3)
BS_KL_bal = np.floor(min(4000., BS_HZ_bal*Pfactor_bal/Efactor_bal))
BS_KL_bal = max(BS_HZ_L3, BS_KL_L3)
BS_HZ_bal = np.floor(min(4000., BS_KL_bal/Pfactor_bal*Efactor_bal))
PHZ_L3_bal, PKL_L3_bal, Efactor_bal, SCOP_bal, SEER_bal, image_hash_bal, _ = calculateL3(
GTcalc, lamda, BS_HZ_bal, BS_KL_bal, Tmin, Tmax, years, D, H, r_b, cv, Pfactor_bal, flowrate, boreField, PNGPath_bal, "", T_radiator, DEBUG, RESULT)
if (RESULT):
printdemand(case, P_HZ, P_KL, BS_HZ, BS_KL,
COP, EER, T_radiator, GTcalc, lamda)
if (RESULT):
printratio(Efactor, Pfactor)
# return user defined results:
P_HZ_user = PHZ_L3*divider/1000. # potential from BHEs in kW
P_KL_user = PKL_L3*divider/1000. # potential from BHEs in kW
E_HZ_user = P_HZ_user * BS_HZ_L3 # potential from BHEs in kWh
E_KL_user = P_KL_user * BS_KL_L3 # potential from BHEs in kWh
Efactor_user = Efactor
if (COP > 0):
# electric power for heating kW
Pel_heatpump_user = P_HZ_user / (COP - 1)
if (EER > 0):
# electric power for cooling kW
Pel_chiller_user = P_KL_user / (EER + 1)
if (SCOP > 0):
# electric power for heating kWh
Eel_heatpump_user = E_HZ_user / (SCOP - 1)
if (SEER > 0):
# electric power for cooling kWh
Eel_chiller_user = E_KL_user / (SEER + 1)
if (P_HZ > 0):
coverHZ = 100.0 / (P_HZ*BS_HZ) * E_HZ_user # %
if (P_KL < 0):
coverKL = 100.0 / (P_KL*BS_KL) * E_KL_user # %
if (np.isfinite(coverHZ) or np.isfinite(coverKL)):
cover_user = np.nanmin([coverHZ, coverKL]) # %
if (RESULT):
printresults(case, P_HZ_user, P_KL_user, E_HZ_user, E_KL_user, cover_user, Pel_heatpump_user, Pel_chiller_user,
Eel_heatpump_user, Eel_chiller_user, nBoreholes, H, BB_L3, BB_mean, 0., COP, EER, SCOP, SEER)
if (RESULT):
printratio(Efactor_user, Pfactor)
user_defined_results = [case, P_HZ_user, P_KL_user, E_HZ_user, E_KL_user, cover_user, Pel_heatpump_user, Pel_chiller_user, Eel_heatpump_user,
Eel_chiller_user, nBoreholes, H, BB_L3, BB_mean, 0., COP, EER, SCOP, SEER, Efactor_user, image_hash, image_hash_borefield, GTcalc]
# return automatic balanced results:
P_HZ_bal = P_KL_bal = E_HZ_bal = E_KL_bal = cover_bal = 0
if (BALANCED > 0):
P_HZ_bal = PHZ_L3_bal*divider/1000.
P_KL_bal = PKL_L3_bal*divider/1000.
E_HZ_bal = P_HZ_bal * BS_HZ_bal
E_KL_bal = P_KL_bal * BS_KL_bal
Efactor_bal = Efactor_bal
if (COP > 0):
# electric power for heating kW
Pel_heatpump_bal = P_HZ_bal / (COP - 1)
if (EER > 0):
# electric power for cooling kW
Pel_chiller_bal = P_KL_bal / (EER + 1)
if (SCOP_bal > 0):
# electric power for heating kW
Eel_heatpump_bal = E_HZ_bal / (SCOP_bal - 1)
if (SEER_bal > 0):
# electric power for heating kW
Eel_chiller_bal = E_KL_bal / (SEER_bal + 1)
if (P_HZ > 0):
coverHZ = 100.0 / (P_HZ*BS_HZ) * E_HZ_bal # %
if (P_KL < 0):
coverKL = 100.0 / (P_KL*BS_KL) * E_KL_bal # %
if (np.isfinite(coverHZ) or np.isfinite(coverKL)):
cover_bal = np.nanmin([coverHZ, coverKL]) # %
if (Efactor_user < 1): # more cooling
cover_rise = (P_KL_bal-P_KL_user) / P_KL_user * 100.
else: # more cooling
cover_rise = (P_HZ_bal-P_HZ_user) / P_HZ_user * 100.
if (RESULT):
printresults("AUTO-BALANCED", P_HZ_bal, P_KL_bal, E_HZ_bal, E_KL_bal, cover_bal, Pel_heatpump_bal, Pel_chiller_bal,
Eel_heatpump_bal, Eel_chiller_bal, nBoreholes, H, BB_L3, BB_mean, cover_rise, COP, EER, SCOP_bal, SEER_bal)
if (RESULT):
printratio(Efactor_bal, Pfactor_bal)
automatic_results = [BALANCED, P_HZ_bal, P_KL_bal, E_HZ_bal, E_KL_bal, cover_bal, Pel_heatpump_bal, Pel_chiller_bal, Eel_heatpump_bal, Eel_chiller_bal,
nBoreholes, H, BB_L3, BB_mean, cover_rise, COP, EER, SCOP_bal, SEER_bal, Efactor_bal, image_hash_bal, BS_HZ_bal, BS_KL_bal, T_radiator]
line = list(map(str, user_defined_results)) + \
list(map(str, automatic_results))
# results for post script:
# GTcalc
# P_HZ_user
# P_KL_user
# E_HZ_user
# E_KL_user
# cover_user
# Pel_heatpump_user
# Pel_chiller_user
# Eel_heatpump_user
# Eel_chiller_user
# Efactor_user
# P_HZ_bal
# P_KL_bal
# BS_HZ_bal
# BS_KL_bal
# E_HZ_bal
# E_KL_bal
# cover_bal
# Pel_heatpump_bal
# Pel_chiller_bal
# Eel_heatpump_bal
# Eel_chiller_bal
# SCOP_bal
# SEER_bal
# cover_rise
# BB_mean
# nBoreholes
# line = sys.argv[1:12] + list(map(str, [PHZ_L3, PKL_L3,...
# log(line)
def printdemand(text, PHZ, PKL, BS_HZ, BS_KL, COP, EER, T_radiator, GTcalc, lamda):
print(f"\n########################### Ergebnisse #######################:")
print(f"\nGebäudeleistung {text}:")
if (COP > 0):
print(f" PHZ = {BS_HZ:.1f} h x {PHZ/(1-1/COP):.1f} kW")
print(f" PHZ = {BS_HZ:.1f} h x {PHZ:.1f} kW")
if (EER > 0):
print(f" PKL = {BS_KL:.1f} h x {PKL/(1+1/EER):.1f} kW")
print(f" PKL = {BS_KL:.1f} h x {PKL:.1f} kW")
print(f" T_Vorlauf_Heizung: {T_radiator:.1f} °C")
print(f"Vorgabe für Erdsonden:")
if (COP > 0):
print(f" COP = {COP:.1f}")
if (EER > 0):
print(f" EER = {EER:.1f}")
print(f" PHZ = {BS_HZ:.1f} h x {PHZ:.1f} kW")
print(f" PKL = {BS_KL:.1f} h x {PKL:.1f} kW")
print(f" mean ground temperature = {GTcalc:.1f}")
print(f" mean thermal conductivity= {lamda:.1f}")
def printratio(Efactor, Pfactor):
if (Efactor > 1/1000. and Efactor < 1000.):
print(f" energy ratio HZ/KL = {Efactor:.3f}")
if (Pfactor > 1/1000. and Pfactor < 1000.):
print(f" power ratio HZ/KL = {Pfactor:.3f}")
def printresults(text, PHZ, PKL, EHZ, EKL, cover, P_heatpump, P_chiller, E_heatpump, E_chiller, nBoreholes, H, BB_L3, BB_mean, cover_rise, COP, EER, SCOP, SEER):
if (np.isfinite(cover)):
covert = (f"{cover:.1f} %")
covert = ("not defined")
f"\nRESULTS {text} for {nBoreholes} BHEs with {H} m depth and average spacing {BB_mean} {BB_L3}:")
f" heat extraction power from BHE = {PHZ:.1f} kW")
f" + electr. power of heat pump (COP = {COP:.1f}) = {P_heatpump:.1f} kW")
f" = heating power for building = {PHZ+P_heatpump:.1f} kW")
f" yearly heat extraction from BHE = {EHZ/1000.:.1f} MWh/a")
f" + electr. energy of heat pump (SCOP = {SCOP:.1f}) = {E_heatpump/1000.:.1f} MWh/a")
f" = yearly heating energy for building = {(EHZ+E_heatpump)/1000.:.1f} MWh/a")
f" heat injection power to BHE = {PKL:.1f} kW")
f" - electr. power of heat pump (EER = {EER:.1f}) = {P_chiller:.1f} kW")
f" = cooling power for building = {PKL-P_chiller:.1f} kW")
f" yearly heat injection to BHE = {EKL/1000.:.1f} MWh/a")
f" - electr. energy of heat pump (SEER = {SEER:.1f}) = {E_chiller/1000.:.1f} MWh/a")
f" = yearly cooling energy for building = {(EKL-E_chiller)/1000.:.1f} MWh/a")
print(f" Coverage from BHEs = {covert}")
if (cover_rise > 0):
print(f" {cover_rise:.1f} % more energy use @ balanced mode")
def calculateL3(T_g, lamda, BS_HZ, BS_KL, Tmin, Tmax, years, D, H, r_b, cv, Pfactor, m_flow_borehole, boreField, PNGPath, pngname2, T_radiator, DEBUG, RESULT):
def log(s):
if (BS_HZ == 0):
Efactor = 0.
elif (BS_KL > 0 and Pfactor < 1000.):
Efactor = Pfactor * BS_HZ / BS_KL
Efactor, BS_KL = 1000., 0.
# Simulation parameters
dt = 1.*3600. # Time step (s) for hourly simulation
# Pipe dimensions
r_out = 0.016 # Pipe outer radius (m)
r_in = 0.014 # Pipe inner radius (m)
D_s = 0.04 # Shank spacing (m)
epsilon = 1.0e-6 # Pipe roughness (m)
# Pipe positions
# Double U-tube [(x_in1, y_in1), (x_in2, y_in2),
# (x_out1, y_out1), (x_out2, y_out2)]
pos = [(-D_s, 0.), (0., -D_s), (D_s, 0.), (0., D_s)]
# Ground properties
cv = 2.2 # vol heat capacity of earth (MJ/m³/K)
alpha = lamda / cv * 1e-6 # Ground thermal diffusivity (m2/s)
# Grout properties
k_g = 2.0 # Grout thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
# Pipe properties
k_p = 0.35 # Pipe thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
# The fluid is propylene-glycol (20 %) at 20 degC
# ‘Water’ - Complete water solution
# ‘MEG’ - Ethylene glycol mixed with water
# ‘MPG’ - Propylene glycol mixed with water
# ‘MEA’ - Ethanol mixed with water
# ‘MMA’ - Methanol mixed with water
# fluid = gt.media.Fluid('MEA', 30.)
mix = 'MEA'
percent = 12
log(f" fluid type: {mix}")
fluid = gt.media.Fluid(mix, percent)
cp_f = fluid.cp # Fluid specific isobaric heat capacity (J/kg.K)
rho_f = fluid.rho # Fluid density (kg/m3)
mu_f = fluid.mu # Fluid dynamic viscosity (kg/m.s)
k_f = fluid.k # Fluid thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
# g-Function calculation options
options = {'nSegments': 8, 'disp': DEBUG}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize bore field and pipe models
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
nBoreholes = len(boreField)
divider = nBoreholes * H
# Total fluid mass flow rate (kg/s)
m_flow_network = m_flow_borehole*nBoreholes
# Pipe thermal resistance
log(f"calculate pipe resistance")
R_p = gt.pipes.conduction_thermal_resistance_circular_pipe(
r_in, r_out, k_p)
# Fluid to inner pipe wall thermal resistance (Double U-tube in parallel)
m_flow_pipe = m_flow_borehole/2
h_f = gt.pipes.convective_heat_transfer_coefficient_circular_pipe(
m_flow_pipe, r_in, mu_f, rho_f, k_f, cp_f, epsilon)
R_f = 1.0/(h_f*2*pi*r_in)
R_f_p = R_f+R_p
log(f" Rf {R_f:.3f} + Rp {R_p:.3f} = {R_f+R_p:.3f} m.K/W")
# Double U-tube (parallel), same for all boreholes in the bore field
log(f"define U-tubes")
UTubes = []
for borehole in boreField:
UTube = gt.pipes.MultipleUTube(
pos, r_in, r_out, borehole, lamda, k_g, R_f_p, nPipes=2, config='parallel')
image_hash_borefield = ""
if (len(pngname2) > 0):
image_hash_borefield = plotborefield(boreField, pngname2, RESULT)
# Build a network object from the list of UTubes
log(f"building pipe network")
network = gt.networks.Network(
boreField, UTubes, m_flow_network=m_flow_network, cp_f=cp_f)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate g-function for hourly Simulation
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (Efactor >= 1): # more heating than cooling
BS_first = BS_HZ
BS_second = BS_KL
else: # more cooling than heating
BS_first = BS_KL
BS_second = BS_HZ
tmax = ((years)*8760. + BS_first/2) * 3600. # Maximum time (s)
x1 = BS_first/2
x5 = 8760/2-BS_second/2
x6 = 8760/2+BS_second/2
x10 = 8760-BS_first/2
x11 = 8760.
xout = int(3*8760/2+BS_second/2)-1
Nt = int(np.floor(tmax/dt)) # Number of time steps
time = dt * np.arange(1, Nt+1)
# Load aggregation scheme
log("Load Aggregation Scheme")
LoadAgg = gt.load_aggregation.ClaessonJaved(dt, tmax)
# Get time values needed for g-function evaluation
time_req = LoadAgg.get_times_for_simulation()
# Calculate g-function
log(f"calculate g-function")
gFunc = gt.gfunction.gFunction(
network, alpha, time_req, boundary_condition='MIFT', options=options)
# Initialize load aggregation scheme
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Potential
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Evaluate the effective bore field thermal resistance (m.K/W)
R_bmf = gt.networks.network_thermal_resistance(
network, m_flow_network, cp_f)
log(f" Rbmf = {R_bmf:5.3f} m.K/W (effective internal resistance)")
# calculate maximum deltaT
deltaT_HZ = T_g - Tmin
deltaT_KL = T_g - Tmax # negative
if (round(Efactor, 2) < 1): # more cooling than heating: Beginn with cooling period
log(" cooling dominant")
# calculate Resistance of Earth with g-functions after cooling period, year 2
time_superpos_sort, time_superpos_ind_rev, Pfakt = prepare_times_for_gfunction_2J(
Pfactor, Efactor, BS_HZ, BS_KL, years)
# gfun2 = gt.gfunction.gFunction(network, alpha, time=time_superpos_sort*3600., boundary_condition='MIFT',options=options)
gfun3 = np.interp(time_superpos_sort*3600., time_req, gFunc.gFunc)
# gfun3 = np.array(gfun2.gFunc)
gfun3_unsort = gfun3[time_superpos_ind_rev]
product = np.multiply(gfun3_unsort, Pfakt)
R_g_2J = abs(sum(product)/(2*pi*lamda))
log(f" Rg = {R_g_2J:5.3f} m.K/W")
# calculate Resistance of Earth with g-functions after first heating period, year 21
time_superpos_sort, time_superpos_ind_rev, Pfakt, time_sort = prepare_times_for_gfunction_20J(
Pfactor, Efactor, BS_HZ, BS_KL, years)
# gfun2 = gt.gfunction.gFunction(network, alpha, time=time_superpos_sort*3600., boundary_condition='MIFT',options=options)
gfun3 = np.interp(time_superpos_sort*3600., time_req, gFunc.gFunc)
# gfun3 = np.array(gfun2.gFunc)
gfun3_unsort = gfun3[time_superpos_ind_rev]
product = np.multiply(gfun3_unsort, Pfakt)
R_g = abs(sum(product)/(2*pi*lamda))
log(f" Rg = {R_g:5.3f} m.K/W")
# calculate maximum power from Heating and Cooling in respect to given Pfactor
PKL = deltaT_KL / (R_g+R_bmf)
PHZ = -PKL * Pfactor
PHZ2 = deltaT_HZ / (R_g_2J+R_bmf)
if (abs(PHZ2) < abs(PHZ)):
f" Heizlimit im Jahr 2 überschritten, reduziere Heizleistung um Faktor: {PHZ2/PHZ:.3f} !")
log(f" Pot PHZ precalc = {PHZ:6.2f} W/m")
PKL = -PHZ2/Pfactor
log(f" Pot PHZ2 precalc = {PHZ2:6.2f} W/m")
Tf_mean_max = T_g - (R_g+R_bmf)*PKL
Tf_mean_min = T_g - (R_g_2J+R_bmf)*PHZ
Tb_pot_HZ = R_bmf * PHZ + Tf_mean_min
Tb_pot_KL = R_bmf * PKL + Tf_mean_max
else: # more heating than cooling: Beginn with heating period
log(" heating dominant")
# calculate Resistance of Earth with g-functions after cooling period, year 2
time_superpos_sort, time_superpos_ind_rev, Pfakt = prepare_times_for_gfunction_2J(
Pfactor, Efactor, BS_HZ, BS_KL, years)
# gfun2 = gt.gfunction.gFunction(network, alpha, time=time_superpos_sort*3600., boundary_condition='MIFT',options=options)
gfun3 = np.interp(time_superpos_sort*3600., time_req, gFunc.gFunc)
# gfun3 = np.array(gfun2.gFunc)
gfun3_unsort = gfun3[time_superpos_ind_rev]
product = np.multiply(gfun3_unsort, Pfakt)
R_g_2J = abs(sum(product)/(2*pi*lamda))
log(f" Rg_2J = {R_g_2J:5.3f} m.K/W")
# calculate Resistance of Earth with g-functions after first heating period, year 21
time_superpos_sort, time_superpos_ind_rev, Pfakt, time_sort = prepare_times_for_gfunction_20J(
Pfactor, Efactor, BS_HZ, BS_KL, years)
# gfun2 = gt.gfunction.gFunction(network, alpha, time=time_superpos_sort*3600., boundary_condition='MIFT',options=options)
# gfun3 = np.array(gfun2.gFunc)
gfun3 = np.interp(time_superpos_sort*3600., time_req, gFunc.gFunc)
gfun3_unsort = gfun3[time_superpos_ind_rev]
product = np.multiply(gfun3_unsort, Pfakt)
R_g = abs(sum(product)/(2*pi*lamda))
log(f" Rg_20J = {R_g:5.3f} m.K/W")
# calculate maximum power from Heating and Cooling in respect to given Pfactor
PHZ = deltaT_HZ / (R_g+R_bmf)
PKL = -PHZ / Pfactor
PKL2 = deltaT_KL / (R_g_2J+R_bmf)
if (abs(PKL2) < abs(PKL)):
f" Kühllimit im Jahr 2 überschritten, reduziere Heizleistung um Faktor: {PKL2/PKL:.3f} !")
log(f" Pot PHZ precalc = {PHZ:6.2f} W/m")
PHZ = -PKL2*Pfactor
Tf_mean_max = T_g - (R_g_2J+R_bmf)*PKL
Tf_mean_min = T_g - (R_g+R_bmf)*PHZ
Tb_pot_HZ = R_bmf * PHZ + Tf_mean_min
Tb_pot_KL = R_bmf * PKL + Tf_mean_max
log(f" deltaT_HZ = {deltaT_HZ:6.2f} K")
log(f" deltaT_KL = {deltaT_KL:6.2f} K")
log(f" Efaktor = {Efactor:6.4f} ")
log(f" Pfaktor = {Pfactor:6.4f} ")
log("\nresults from potential calculations:")
log(f" Pot PHZ = {PHZ:6.2f} W/m")
log(f" Pot PKL = {PKL:6.2f} W/m")
log(f" Pot Tbmin = {Tb_pot_HZ:6.2f} °C")
log(f" Pot Tbmax = {Tb_pot_KL:6.2f} °C")
log(f" Pot Tf_mean_min = {Tf_mean_min:6.2f} °C")
log(f" Pot Tf_mean_max = {Tf_mean_max:6.2f} °C")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hourly Simulation
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Evaluate heat extraction rate
P_tot = np.zeros(Nt)
T_b = np.zeros(Nt)
# Tf_in = np.zeros(Nt)
# Tf_out = np.zeros(Nt)
Tf_m_sim = np.zeros(Nt)
# Tf_m_sim2= np.zeros(Nt)
COP_h = np.tile(np.nan, Nt)
EER_h = np.tile(np.nan, Nt)
SEER, SCOP = 0., 0.
for i, (t) in enumerate(time):
# Increment time step by (1)
# log(t/3600)
hh = t/3600.
xx = hh-np.floor(hh/8760.)*8760 # Stunde im Jahr
if xx <= x1:
if (Efactor < 1):
P_tot[i] = PKL
P_tot[i] = PHZ
elif xx <= x5:
P_tot[i] = 0.
elif xx <= x6:
if (Efactor < 1):
P_tot[i] = PHZ
P_tot[i] = PKL
elif xx <= x10:
P_tot[i] = 0.
elif xx <= x11:
if (Efactor < 1):
P_tot[i] = PKL
P_tot[i] = PHZ
log(f"WARNING at time {t/3600.}")
P_tot[i] = 0.0
# Apply current load (in watts per meter of borehole)
# calculate borehole and fluid temperatures
# Evaluate borehole wall temperature
deltaT_b = LoadAgg.temporal_superposition()
T_b[i] = T_g - deltaT_b
Tf_m_sim[i] = T_b[i]-P_tot[i]*R_bmf
if (PHZ > 0. and P_tot[i] == PHZ):
Qc, Qe, Pel = get_COP_potential(T_radiator, Tf_m_sim[i]-1.5, 1.)
COP_h[i] = Qc/Pel
if (PKL < 0. and P_tot[i] == PKL):
if (Tf_m_sim[i] > 19.5):
# Qc, Qe, Pel = get_COP_potential(30., 19.5 , 1.)
# EER_h[i] = Qe/Pel
EER_h[i] = 6.9
EER_h[i] = 20.
# Evaluate inlet fluid temperature (all boreholes are the same)
# Tf_in[i] = network.get_network_inlet_temperature(P_tot[i]*divider, T_b[i], m_flow_network, cp_f, nSegments=1)
# Evaluate outlet fluid temperature
# Tf_out[i] = network.get_network_outlet_temperature(Tf_in[i], T_b[i], m_flow_network, cp_f, nSegments=1)
# Tf_m_sim2[i]=(Tf_in[i]+Tf_out[i])/2
last = T_b.size-1
Tm1 = min(Tf_m_sim[last], Tf_m_sim[xout])
Tm2 = max(Tf_m_sim[last], Tf_m_sim[xout])
Tb1 = min(T_b[last], T_b[xout])
Tb2 = max(T_b[last], T_b[xout])
if (np.any(np.isfinite(COP_h))):
SCOP = np.nanmean(COP_h)
if (np.any(np.isfinite(EER_h))):
SEER = np.nanmean(EER_h)
# np.savetxt(PNGPath+".txt",COP_h)
log("\nresults from hourly simulation run:")
log(f" Sim Tbmin = {Tb1:6.2f} °C")
log(f" Sim Tbmax = {Tb2:6.2f} °C")
log(f" Sim Tf_mean_min = {Tm1:6.2f} °C")
log(f" Sim Tf_mean_max = {Tm2:6.2f} °C")
log(f" Sim SCOP = {SCOP:6.1f}")
log(f" Sim SEER = {SEER:6.1f}")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot hourly heat extraction rates and temperatures
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# plotgraf2(PNGPath,time/3600./24./365.,P_tot,"Betriebszeit [Jahre]","spezifische Sondenleistung [W/lm]",time/3600./24./365.,Tf_m_sim,"Betriebszeit [Jahre]","Temperatur [°C]", T_g, "Leistung pro Bohrmeter (Heizen = positiv, Kühlen/Regeneration = negativ)","Entwicklung der mittleren Fluidtemperatur der Sonden (Mittelwert Vor- und Rücklauf)", BS_HZ, BS_KL, RESULT)
image_hash = plotgraf2(PNGPath, time/3600./24./365., P_tot, "Betriebszeit [Jahre]", "spezifische Sondenleistung [W/lm]", time/3600./24./365., Tf_m_sim, "Betriebszeit [Jahre]", "Temperatur [°C]",
T_g, "Leistung pro Bohrmeter (Heizen = positiv, Kühlen/Regeneration = negativ)", "Entwicklung der mittleren Fluidtemperatur der Sonden (Mittelwert Vor- und Rücklauf)", BS_HZ, BS_KL, RESULT)
return PHZ, PKL, Efactor, SCOP, SEER, image_hash, image_hash_borefield
def prepare_times_for_gfunction_20J(Pfactor, Efactor, BS_HZ, BS_KL, years):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Potential
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create array with Pfactors to multiply with gfunction values
if Efactor >= 1:
Pfakt = np.array([1., -1., -1/Pfactor, 1/Pfactor])
Pfakt = np.tile(Pfakt, int(years))
# add last heating season
Pfakt = np.concatenate((Pfakt, np.array([1.])), axis=0)
BS_first = BS_HZ
BS_second = BS_KL
Pfakt = np.array([-1., 1., Pfactor, -Pfactor])
Pfakt = np.tile(Pfakt, int(years))
# add last cooling season
Pfakt = np.concatenate((Pfakt, np.array([-1.])), axis=0)
BS_first = BS_KL
BS_second = BS_HZ
# create heating cooling time array
t_HZ = np.arange(BS_first/2, 8760.0*(years+1)+BS_first/2, 8760)
t_HZS = np.arange(8760/2-BS_second/2, 8760.0*(years), 8760)
t_KL = np.arange(8760/2+BS_second/2, 8760.0*(years), 8760)
t_KLS = np.arange(8760-BS_first/2, 8760.0*(years), 8760)
time2 = np.concatenate((t_HZ, t_HZS, t_KL, t_KLS), axis=0)
# index array for sorting in increasing time order
time_sort_ind = time2.argsort()
# sort in increasing time order
time_sort = time2[time_sort_ind]
# add zero value at beginning
time_superpos = np.concatenate([[0.], time_sort])
Len = time2.size # length of arrays
# get highest value = time point to evaluate power potential
Last = time_sort[Len-1]
# prepare time points for g-function
time_superpos = Last-time_superpos
# remove last zero entry
time_superpos = time_superpos[0:time_superpos.size-1]
# index array for sorting in increasing time order
time_superpos_ind = time_superpos.argsort()
# index array for sorting in decreasing time order
time_superpos_ind_rev = time_superpos_ind.argsort()
time_superpos_sort = time_superpos[time_superpos_ind]
# log(time_sort)
# log(time_superpos)
# log(Pfakt)
# input()
return time_superpos_sort, time_superpos_ind_rev, Pfakt, time_sort
def prepare_times_for_gfunction_2J(Pfactor, Efactor, BS_HZ, BS_KL, years):
# create array with Pfactors to multiply with gfunction values
# plusminus = 1 for dominant heating and -1 for dominant cooling
if Efactor >= 1:
Pfakt = np.array([Pfactor, -Pfactor, -1., 1.,
Pfactor, -Pfactor, -1.])
BS_first = BS_HZ
BS_second = BS_KL
Pfakt = np.array([-1/Pfactor, 1/Pfactor, 1., -1.,
-1/Pfactor, 1/Pfactor, 1.])
BS_first = BS_KL
BS_second = BS_HZ
# create same arrays to evaluate after end of heating phase in second year
time2 = np.array([BS_first/2, 8760/2-BS_second/2, 8760/2+BS_second/2, 8760-BS_first/2,
8760+BS_first/2, 8760+8760/2-BS_second/2, 8760+8760/2+BS_second/2])
# index array for sorting in increasing time order
time_sort_ind = time2.argsort()
# sort in increasing time order
time_sort = time2[time_sort_ind]
time_superpos = np.concatenate([[0.], time_sort])
Len = time_sort.size # length of arrays
Last = time_sort[Len-1]
time_superpos = Last - time_superpos
time_superpos = time_superpos[0:time_superpos.size-1]
time_superpos_ind = time_superpos.argsort()
time_superpos_ind_rev = time_superpos_ind.argsort()
time_superpos_sort = time_superpos[time_superpos_ind]
# log(time_sort)
# log(time_superpos)
# log(Pfakt)
# input()
return time_superpos_sort, time_superpos_ind_rev, Pfakt
def plotborefield(boreField, pngname, RESULT):
# Configure figure and axes
if (RESULT):
print(f"create plot {pngname}")
fig = gt.boreholes.visualize_field(
boreField, viewTop=True, view3D=False, labels=True) # , showTilt=True)
# save figure to binary stream and convert to base 64 string
binary_stream = io.BytesIO()
fig.savefig(binary_stream, format='png', dpi=120)
img_hash = base64.b64encode(binary_stream.read()).decode('utf-8')
return img_hash
def plotgraf2(pngname, x1, y1, x1_label, y1_label, x2, y2, x2_label, y2_label, Tg, title1, title2, BS_HZ, BS_KL, RESULT):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot hourly heat extraction rates and temperatures
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (RESULT):
print(f"create plot {pngname}")
xmin = np.floor(min(x1))
xmax = np.ceil(max(x1))
xticks_major = np.arange(xmin+1, xmax)
xticks_minor = np.arange(xmin+1, xmax, 0.5)
# Configure figure and axes
fig = gt.utilities._initialize_figure()
# fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=8)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
# Axis labels
ax1.set_xlabel(x1_label, fontsize=8)
ax1.set_ylabel(y1_label, fontsize=8)
ax1.set_title(title1, fontsize=9)
ax1.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
# Specify tick label size
ax1.set_xticks(xticks_minor, minor=True)
# gt.utilities._format_axes(ax1)
# Plot heat extraction rates
lab = (
f"Heizen {max(y1):.1f} W/m / Kühlen {min(y1):.1f} W/m \nHeizen {BS_HZ} h/a / Kühlen {BS_KL} h/a")
ax1.plot(x1, y1, label=lab, color='teal')
ax1.legend(fontsize=8, loc='lower center')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
# Axis labels
ax2.set_xlabel(x2_label, fontsize=8)
ax2.set_ylabel(y2_label, fontsize=8)
ax2.set_title(title2, fontsize=9)
ax2.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
ax2.set_xticks(xticks_minor, minor=True)
# gt.utilities._format_axes(ax2)
# Plot temperatures
lab = (
f"mittlere Sondenfluidtemperatur {min(y2[x2>1]):.1f} °C / {max(y2[x2>1]):.1f} °C")
ax2.plot(x2, y2, label=lab, color='sienna')
x3 = np.array([min(x2), max(x2)])
y3 = np.array([Tg, Tg])
ax2.plot(x3, y3, label="ungestörte Untergrundtemperatur",
color='slategrey', linestyle='dotted')
ax2.legend(fontsize=8, loc='upper center')
# Adjust to plot window
# fig.savefig(pngname)
# save figure to binary stream and encode it to base64 string
binary_stream = io.BytesIO()
fig.savefig(binary_stream, format='png', dpi=120)
img_hash = base64.b64encode(binary_stream.read()).decode('utf-8')
return img_hash
def get_COP_potential(T_sink_high, T_Source_low, P_SOW35):
# polynomial fit from measurement data project Geofit and ZWEIFELDSPEICHER
# Autor: Michael Lauermann (AIT 2015, 2022)
# Qc = Q_heat condenser[kW]
# Qe = Q_cool evaporator[kW]
# Pel= electric power [kW]
# a, b, c = linear coefficients
# for delta T of heat sink = 5K, 10K and 15K
# general formula: ( a + b * T_source_low + c * T_sink_high ) * P_SO-W35 / 44.14
def hpfunc(a, b, c, T_source_low, T_sink_high):
result = (a + b * T_source_low + c * T_sink_high)
return result
Qc_a_10K = 49.761136
Qc_b_10K = 1.265924
Qc_c_10K = -0.058782
Qe_a_10K = 52.002178
Qe_b_10K = 1.298574
Qe_c_10K = -0.358732
Pel_a_10K = -1.016948
Pel_b_10K = 0.078546
Pel_c_10K = 0.300213
Qc = hpfunc(Qc_a_10K, Qc_b_10K, Qc_c_10K, T_Source_low,
T_sink_high) * P_SOW35 / 44.14
Qe = hpfunc(Qe_a_10K, Qe_b_10K, Qe_c_10K, T_Source_low,
T_sink_high) * P_SOW35 / 44.14
Pel = hpfunc(Pel_a_10K, Pel_b_10K, Pel_c_10K,
T_Source_low, T_sink_high) * P_SOW35 / 44.14
# COP = Qc / Pel
# EER = Qe / Pel
return Qc, Qe, Pel
# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
import time as t
seconds = t.time()
seconds = t.time()-seconds
minutes = int(seconds/60)
hours = int(minutes/60)
sec = seconds-minutes*60-hours*3600
# print(f"Total Running Time hhhh:mm:ss: {hours:04d}:{minutes:02d}:{sec:2.2f}")